Search Results for : Depression
Relationship Self Help

Can Breakup’s Be An Important For Personal Growth?

Almost everyone goes through the process of losing someone significant to them at least once in their lives, whether romantically or otherwise, and it is never an easy process. The void that follows losing someone close to you is something

Awareness Health Positive

What Is Asperger’s Syndrome?

Is he weird? He doesn’t hold eye contact! He is a genius but he hardly communicate maybe he is too proud of himself! Why is he/she is so dissociated with reality? Why doesn’t this person understand logic and diplomacy? Calls


What Is Body Shaming And Its Effects On Mental Health?

Body shaming in simple words means to criticize oneself or others based on their physical appearance which leads to a vicious cycle of judgments and criticisms that may or may not affect their mental health. A very common example of


Why are Dogs Called ‘MAN’S BEST FRIEND’?

Many of you will agree with me that the first answer which strikes in our mind after reading or hearing this question is dogs are so loveable. Furthermore, a phrase “man’s best friend” for domestic dogs is given by King


Why Do We Often Indulge In Binge Watching?

It is not something that we have not done. In today’s world one of the biggest sources of entertainment is through watching online series and movies. We all have our favourite shows that we might have completed but still feel

Awareness Health

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted mental health?

The Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has taken the world by storm. With its first human case reported by officials in Wuhan city, China in December 2019, it has now emerged as a global health crisis. With the number of positive cases


Why There Is Romanticizing of Mental Disorders?

People have misunderstood and greatly stigmatised mental illnesses for a very long time. People have had mental health issues for long but awareness about the same has always been very superficial. In the beginning, it was the lack of recognition of the symptoms, and then the notion that it’s not normal. This

Awareness Crime Health

TRAUMA : How it affects our Mind?

Questions which cross our mind when we talk about Trauma involve, What is Trauma? What can a traumatic event do to the victim? How does it affect the victim’s life? What are its symptoms? And how to recover from it?


What could possibly be the Impact and Benefits of Mindfulness on Anxiety and Daily life?

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”                                          


How much is too much when it comes to Social Media?

This question can have multiple answers at the same time, the answers can go in various directions because there are so many things when we talk about social media. It has become a common source of extracting information, for entertainment