Search Results for : psychology

Restorative Environments and Mental Health

In a world filled with hustle and bustle, where people are mostly accompanied by stress. The significance of an environment that promotes mental health and well-being cannot be overstated. Restorative environments, whether their green natural landscapes or captive historical sites


Asexuality as a Sexual Orientation

In today’s world, sexuality has become an important topic that catches everyone’s attention. A person’s sexuality is an essential part of an identity. This makes it crucial to identify and respect it, to be able to respect those around you.


Nature vs Nurture

“Nature vs. nurture” refers to the argument of how much “nature” and “Nurture” have an impact on an individual’s traits. “Nurture” is more commonly used to describe upbringing or life events, whereas “nature” refers to intrinsic biological qualities, namely genetics.


Connection between perinatal depression & risk of suicide

According to the recent Swedish research, depression that arises during the time of pregnancy drastically and consistently increases a woman’s chance of suicide. The study explored that the likelihood of suicide for a new mother climbs seven times in the

Life Style

Why is today’s generation the most confused generation?

Today’s generation is often labelled as the most confused generation for various reasons, ranging from rapid technological changes, and the paradox of choice to economic uncertainties and shifting cultural norms. This essay explores these factors in-depth to understand why this

Awareness Education

Genie Wiley: A Story of Abuse, Rescue, and Lingering Questions

People who are passionate about the academic discipline of psychology will surely be aware of the multiple controversial experiments that have been conducted throughout its history. Most of these experiments had ethical and moral considerations. Some of the most infamous

Education Life Style

Ideal self vs Real self

In the vast land of our existence, our life is all about exploring one’s self. This exploration stands as a profound and introspective journey. Our whole life is surrounded by the quest of knowing and understanding who we are while


What is Social Perception?

Perception is an individual’s recognition & interpretation of sensory information. It also involves how one response to the information.A person’s ability to precisely evaluate and generate judgments about other individuals based on their overall outer appearances as well as verbal


Triarchic theory of intelligence

If you tend to observe your friends, family members, or relatives, you may notice differences in the way they see, observe, perceive, or even do things. Individual differences are one of those interesting facets of humans. Many Psychologists and researchers


How Debt affects mental health?

We are living in the era of Brands, social media influencer, attention and fame. Most of the people are willing to look best, be the best and get all the world desires with putting any extra efforts. In today’s life,