Search Results for : Depression
Awareness Health Parenting

What Can Be The Impact Of Child Abuse On The Mental Health Of The Child?

Child abuse is when a parent or guardian, regardless of whether through activity or neglecting to act, causes injury, death , emotional  damage or danger to a child. There are numerous types of child abuse, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual

Awareness Motivation Positive Self Help

How Do I Enhance My Feeling Of Self-Worth?

Human beings are the sole living organisms in the world that live with some purpose or have a goal in life apart from just living and surviving. Almost all human beings hope to fulfil their wishes and goals till they

Awareness Education Research

Is It Important to Demystify Myths About Psychology?

Psychology is a relatively new field in the realm of the sciences, only about 140 years old. It’s not that no one thought about why people and animals do the things they do it just earlier, people like philosophers, medical

Awareness Education Health

What Are Eating disorders?

Eating disorders are illnesses in which individuals experience disturbances influencing their eating practices and related musings and feelings. Individuals with dietary issues ordinarily become pre-busy with food and their body weight. Much of the time, eating disorders happen along with

Awareness Self Help

What can you do when you “fail” at self- care?

The term “self – care” has been taking the internet by storm in the last few years, with people slowly recognizing the need to put themselves first and learning the importance of taking a break from today’s fast paced life.


Tear of ‘Pain’

Sitting in the dark, with the heaviness in the heart; Holding back the tears which may break him apart, Scared of the fact that he is all alone; Scared to face the world, he holds his face in his hands, And a tear rolls

Awareness Relationship


Parents are considered to be the first interaction that an infant has in his life and considering that they are also initial caregivers to the child, the child will look up to his/her parents and will try to imitate their


What Can Be The Benefits Of Travelling?

“Live with no excuses and travel with no regrets” ~ Oscar Wilde. Almost everyone likes travelling. It not only gives you a break from your hustle life but also leads to the creation of unfolding memories in our lives. Every


Do You Want To Combat The Problems In Life?

A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin How many of you believe in it? How many of you follow it? How many of you make room for laughter? How many of you think you need a good

Research Technology

What if Smartphones ceased to exist in an Induced Lockdown?

Presently, there are more than 5 billion mobile users worldwide. The absence of mobile phones could have a direct or indirect impact on the whole world; if they cease to exist then it will be unfortunate and disastrous for all