Search Results for : psychology

Necessity of behavioral health medications raised by pandemic era

The new study conveys a rise in the usage of ADHD drugs during the epidemic probably caused a shortage of drugs (medicine) that still irritate patients and doctors nowadays. As per the reports, the epidemic, the effect of COVID-19 affected

Awareness Self Help

Burnout: Symptoms, Causes & Tips to Overcome

Burnout is a condition of extreme physical, mental, and emotional tiredness brought on by extended periods of high stress. It happens when you’re feeling emotionally spent, overburdened, and unable to keep up with demands. You start to lose the interest


Violent video games and Aggression in young children

For people of all ages, playing video games is a popular kind of amusement. Four out of five American households own a gaming console, and 174 million Americans are avid gamers (Entertainment Software Association, 2019). In America, more than 34


Why do People Cyberbully?

The use of technology has seen an increase in society today. As the availability has increased, people have made it a part of their daily lives. Many individuals upload every detail about their lives online. What they upload may or

Life Style

Mastering Critical Thinking: Your Key to Smart Living!

Today’s world is a very fast-paced one. To survive in it, one needs to constantly improve their performance in all areas of life. To lead a fulfilling life, individuals must focus on the development of their hard skills, which refers


Cancer and Stress

Stress, which is another name for psychological stress, is the state that people go through when they are under emotional, bodily, or mental strain. People’s everyday duties and routines, such as those related to jobs, family, and finances, can give


What is the G-Factor in intelligence?

A construct known as the g-factor was created in psychometric studies of human intelligence and cognitive capacities. The term “general intelligence,” sometimes referred to as the g factor & or general factor, describes the presence of a wide mental capability


Eco-Anxiety: The Psychological Strain of Climate Change

As climate change accelerates and becomes more of a serious concern, many people are struggling under the weight of eco-anxiety. This emerging psychological phenomenon describes the climate distress, grief, and worry plaguing those individuals who are trying to comprehend the


What is Trephination: History, Techniques and Risks

In today’s world, medicine and treatments are constantly growing, trying to find the most effective methods to help patients. Naturally, that also means that surgery has developed a lot over time, looking for safer procedures with higher success rates. But


How to improve your social skills?

Social skills are the set of skills that helps an individual to interact and communicate with others. It teaches an individual to behave in a certain way when present in social settings. When a person has a good set of