Search Results for : Depression
Awareness Health

How Does Stress Show Up In Your Body?

Diwali holidays are about to begin. You’ve been looking forward to them for you’ve been working overtime to get projects done in time. At the same time, you are trying to find a time that you can spend with your

Awareness Health


PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT OF COVID-19   Abstract: The following essay dwells on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the psyche of all those affected, focusing mainly on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Keywords: COVID-19, Psychological impact, needs We are currently living

Awareness Health

What is Schizophrenia?

I still remember my internship days done during my post-graduation. There was visible excitement, exchange of ideas, thoughts regarding various disorders but what bound all of us together was the curiosity to hear and understand patients who were suffering from


What Is The Reality of Psychology?

Psychology since its inception has come a long way. From surgical operations to conducting behavioural experiments on animals and humans alike, psychologists/psychiatrists have done it all. In recent times, the significance on mental health is increasing rapidly. There is constantly

Awareness Health

Why we need to be grateful to Covid-19?

Mental health has never been a priority in developing countries like India and until now, there was almost no large-scale discussion about the same. There is a lot of stigma around the issue and seeking support from a psychologist is

Awareness Health

Counseling approach to change behavior more helpful than looking for the root cause

Counseling approach to change behavior more helpful than looking for the root cause   Looking at our traditional psychological therapeutic practices that long back to psychodynamic psychotherapies by Freud, there has always been a major emphasis on generating insight into

Awareness Education


‘THE TEENAGE DREAM OF A ‘GLAMOUROUS MESS’ While the stigma around Mental Health and Mental Illness is being tackled pretty effectively by opening doors to the previously tabooed topic, a misrepresenting image of Mental Health and Illness is seen to

Awareness Health

Lockdown Journey: An Un-Knocked Situation?

In the recent times of unprecedented change and mis-happenings, we are still trying to convince us of the reality of the situation. With the day-to-day rise in the number of Covid- positive cases and with the dearth of the proper

Industrial Research

How To Manage Burnout during WFH (due to COVID-19)?

“Most anyone can learn to be a great virtual employee.The top skills to learn are setting healthy boundaries between your work life andpersonal life and building relationships virtually.”– Larry English What is burnout?Burnout is a state of overwhelming exhaustion resulting

Awareness Positive Self Help

Cell Phone Detox: Essential?

Almost everyone wakes up by checking the cell phone screen in the morning and also goes to sleep by doing the same. Such is the case that the real world seems far, and the digital world seems near to us,