Search Results for : psychology
Self Help

The Psychological Benefits of Routine in our life

The moment we wake up and open our eyes in the morning, thoughts start to rush one after another before we are able to even process it properly. The moment one wakes up, they start making decisions. Those decisions can


Dating anxiety: Symptoms, Causes and the Management Tools

Anxiety could happen due to multiple reasons and for multiple things. Dating anxiety refers to the excessive worry or fear in the context of dating someone. Anxiety helps us predict the future beforehand by worrying about the outcome. When we

Health Self Help

A Journey with Emotional Freedom Technique

With the rising physical and mental health conditions individuals are suffering from, there is also a high demand for holistic interventions like acupuncture, reiki, etc. However, these interventions often require the presence of a professional and are time-consuming. One effective


Exploring the Psychological Depths of Technostalgia

“Things ain’t what they used to be…” This common refrain speaks to the nostalgia and even grief many feel witnessing once-familiar technologies, spaces, and social rituals vanish in the rearview mirror of breakneck progress. The pace of modern advancement simultaneously


Negative impact on the mental health of having siblings: study

A study was conducted in the US and China in which researcher did a large analysis of the children of these nations. Teens that live in larger families have poorer mental health as compared to those who live with fewer

Awareness Life Style

Why should you notice Glimmers more often?

Have you ever experienced that warm feeling spread in your body for a few moments after you see a rainbow, or maybe feel the sun on a chilly winter morning, maybe along with some hot chocolate? Have you felt your


Supermoms – Are They Real? Unraveling The Perceptions of Indian Employed Mothers

Supermom is the term for mothers who are employed or running a business, effortlessly juggling their career and family all at once. What needs attention is, whether the ‘effortlessness’ is real or just a figment of our collective imagination? And

Self Help

Boredom: A gateway to creativity and self-discovery

In life, we often experience moments of boredom, especially when the task is not in our interest. It can be frustrating or irritating at times when a person finds it difficult to focus on a task and it’s necessary for

Education Life Style

What is the Romeo-Juliet effect?

All of us are very well aware of who Romeo and Juliet are. Of course, they are forever deemed the people who attained the epitome of love and adoration. We may even gift the most adored couple in your whereabouts

Awareness Life Style

How To Overcome Low Self-Esteem?

Imagine, you are in a group of people at a cafe for an important group discussion. You ask them to get you a black coffee as you are lactose intolerant, but they somehow by mistake bring a cappuccino with milk.