Search Results for : psychotherapy

Influence of Digital health interventions on postpartum anxiety and depression

The purpose the study was to assess the effectiveness of digital health interventions in contrast with treatment or cure in preventing and treating postpartum depression as well as anxiety. This study was published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and


Covid-19 Linked to New Schizophrenia Spectrum: Study

In light of the continued worldwide impacts of SARS-CoV-2, it is vital to understand the possible long-term mental health implications. A various number of recent investigations have put forward a relation between COVID-19 and consequent mental health issues. This current


The Psychology behind Emotional sensitivity

It is critical to recognize that sensitivity represents a personality characteristic. Being very perceptive is not a disease. Similar to being quiet or contemplative, it is not always a terrible thing, although each has its drawbacks. There are several possible


List of skills required in effective counselling sessions

After COVID-19, people are opening up about mental health. It also removed the stigma of mental health concern for greater health. Many people are opening up for the psychology profession, as it has appeared as a bright future these days.


Overcoming Learned Helplessness for Mental Well-Being

Have you ever been to a zoo or an animal park? If yes, you might have noticed that the trained elephants there stand or walk only a certain distance, despite them not being tied to a post. This happens due


5 Psychological Lessons Hidden in Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita, a book that holds the 700-verse Hindu philosophical scriptures in its 18 chapters, in a structure of dialogue between the Arjuna (Pandava Prince) and Krishna (an avatar of Lord Vishnu), his charioteer and guide at the Kurukshetra War


The Psychology Behind Stoicism

Stoicism is an ancient Greek philosophy founded in the 3rd century BC that focuses on how to live a good life by cultivating wisdom, courage, justice, and self-control. In recent years, Stoicism has seen a resurgence in popularity as a


5 Popular Theories of Psychology

Psychology, as a multifaceted discipline, encompasses a rich tapestry of theories that seek to unravel the complexities of human behavior, cognition, and emotions. Among the myriad of perspectives, five standout theories have garnered widespread attention and intrigue due to their


The Power of Breathwork

Breathing is an essential bodily function that we often take for granted. However, breathwork — conscious breathing techniques and practices — can have profound effects on both our physical and mental health. From ancient yogic pranayama to modern therapeutic techniques,


Exposure Therapy: What it is & How does it work?

In the field of psychology, exposure therapy is one of the transformative methods that stands out as a guiding, hope for those grappling with fears and anxieties. Originated from the Pioneer work of psychologist Mary Cover Jones. In the year