Search Results for : behaviours
Awareness Education

The Psychology Behind Crowd Behaviour and Mob Mentality

Researchers have observed the psychological phenomenon of mob mentality in various instances around the world. In India, the most prominent instances usually revolve around politics, religion and/or culture. Conflict between people of different cultures and the common occurrences of prejudice


Behaviour Modification Therapy

You always procrastinate on your daily tasks. You have tried several times to change this behaviour. Do you find it hard and feel like it is impossible? You’re not alone, and behaviour modification therapy might be just what you need.


Hyper-Independence as a Trauma Response: Signs and Strategies

Trauma responses manifest in diverse forms, becoming intensely infused in our behavioural patterns. Many refuse help, even from loved ones and seek extensive self-reliance to feel secure. In the long term, excessive independence or hyper-independence pushes our well-wishers away and,


The Psychology of Regression

The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, proposed several intriguing yet debatable ideas. Defence mechanisms are a popular concept and represent unconscious coping methods that distort reality to deal with anxiety-provoking events. Often, many display childlike behaviours during stressful events, such

Self Help

Walking the language of love!

Peace is not to be created and love is not to be seeked. We be it on our journey! The language of love is only meant for Romeos and Juliets on this planet. The stories of Adams and Eve are

Parenting Positive

How to Connect With Your Struggling Adult Child 

The transition into adulthood can be a testing time for many people. It is the point in life where one is trying to look for things that they identify with and build a personality of their own. It is also

Awareness Self Help

The Psychology Behind Self-Sabotaging

It is puzzling to imagine why anyone knowingly prevents themselves from achieving self-set goals. The tendency to self-sabotage seems irrational, yet most of us consciously or unconsciously engage in it. Think about the times when the fear of failure led


Psychologist’s Insights on Empathy and its Psychological Foundations

What is exactly empathy? Over 200 years have passed since thinking people began attempting to comprehend the general phenomena in which one person changes their ideas or feelings as a result of observing another. The question is “Is being empathic


The Trait Approach to Leadership: Understanding What Makes Great Leaders Unique

Did you ever think what makes great leaders unique from the rest? Is it the heredity as said in the Great Man theory or something else? Let’s find out! The Trait approach tries to emphasize identifying and analysing certain specific personality

Parenting Therapy

Applied Behavior Analysis: A Therapy for Children with Autism

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face challenges that can significantly impact their daily functioning. These challenges include difficulties in social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communicative behaviour, and developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships. Additionally, children with ASD may exhibit repetitive-restricted