Search Results for : Relationship

Perfect Relationship – is a Myth

“Relationship counseling” is such a trending topic these days. It suggests that people are getting aware or may be more sensitive about their mental health in the relationship; they seek advice from professionals to save the relationship or would try


What is the secret of Relationship Satisfaction?

A research presented at the annual convocation of the American Psychological Association found that couple who have same texting style reported great satisfaction in their romantic relationship. Researcher Psychologist Leora Trub from Pace University surveyed 205 people between the age group of

Industrial Self Help

How to Politely Decline Conversations You Don’t Want to Join

It is fun debating on topics that excite you, but sometimes you get caught up in conversations that don’t interest you. Maybe a friend or colleague is talking about their lacklustre work argument and drama or just chatty conversations with

Awareness Industrial

Managing Workplace Stress: Expert Tips for a Balanced and Productive Life

The workplace can feel like a pressure cooker with deadlines, work piling up, and the constant buzz of emails and calls. It’s no wonder why work stress is becoming ubiquitous. In a very intriguing discourse with three experts, Dr Jyoti

Self Help

7 Tips to deal with Disappointment

Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling in my pain, but the heart to conquer it. Rabindranath Tagore Disappointment can be described as a


Survey: 25% of Adults Suspect Undiagnosed ADHD, Experts Warn Against Self-Diagnosis

Awareness about Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD has recently increased. According to a new survey by Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center conducted on 1,000 American adults, 25% believe they have undiagnosed ADHD. It was once associated mostly with childhood


The Psychology Behind Infatuation

Infatuation and love are two powerful emotions that often feel similar but have vastly different foundations. Infatuation is an intense and fleeting attraction that overwhelms the senses. It is often driven by physical desires and the idealization of the other


Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

Imagine being in a world where every meal becomes a challenge. Not because you have a fear of calories or dieting but because you feel this sense of excess fear about the food. People afflicted with ARFID find that eating


The Role of Domestic Violence Counseling in Healing and Recovery

Domestic violence is a widespread issue, with its effects being far-reaching and severe, not only for its victims but also for their children and, at times, their communities and extended families. The impact of domestic violence may start with serious


Everything you should know about Bowenian Family Therapy

Murray Bowen, M.D. a pioneer psychiatrist who worked for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) developed the Bowenian family therapy. Bowen believed that there are two fundamental forces, togetherness and individuality, in families. When these forces are out of balance,