Search Results for : Depression

Experiencing Self disgust: when the self feeds off self

“When I see myself, when I think about myself, I feel like shit. I am so disgusted with myself that I want to puke at myself or maybe even finish myself as I feel unbearable to myself……this me,  is just


The Psychology of Smoking Relapse

Smoking relapse is one of the most significant challenges that most smoking quitters or stoppers face. Although wide availability of cessation aids and interventions exist, the rate of relapse remains relatively high, with many returning to smoking within the first

Awareness Self Help

Why it’s Important to have High Self-Esteem, According to Psychology 

Self-esteem is a judgment or evaluation of our sense of self-worth and value. It includes how we feel about ourselves, our abilities, achievements, and qualities, and how we compare ourselves to other people and the people around us. According to


The Psychology of the Lipstick Effect

What is that one thing you can’t live without and would buy somehow even if the whole world is turning upside down? Do you shop when money is rolling in like, ka-ching? Or do you buy when you’re depressed? And


Psychologists Suggest 9 Things for Parents to Raise Empathetic Children

Empathy is a concept emphasised significantly when talking about gentle parenting. Gentle parenting is a new concept where parents raise their kids without using rewards and punishment as a tactic. Through empathy, respect, understanding, and the establishment of sound limits,


Understanding Cotard Delusion: The Walking Corpse Syndrome

If a person dies, will they continue to eat, sleep or take medicines? Will they brush their teeth or take a bath? No, right? Well, that is what people diagnosed with Cotard delusions argue. Cotard Delusion is a rare neuropsychiatric


Understanding the Essential Skills in Psychology

In today’s world, understanding the behaviour of a person is complex. As we all know psychology is the study of human behavior and mind. Psychologists are the professionals who help people cope with harmful behaviour and the social and emotional

Awareness Health

Urban Noise Pollution: Effects on Mental Health and Well-Being

Life in a city has both pros and cons, it provides efficiency as well as negatively impacts on mental health of people. On the one hand, it offers plenty of job opportunities, loaded with entertainment, and lots to explore. On

Hindi Self Help

क्या दिन के 3–4 घंटे सोशल मीडिया स्क्रॉल करते हैं? आप भी हो चुके हैं इसकी लत के शिकार

सोशल मीडिया की लत एक ऐसा रोग है जिसमें एक व्यक्ति अपना पूरा समय ऑनलाइन बिताता है। यह लत साधारण नहीं है, बल्कि कई शोधकर्ताओं ने इसकी तुलना शराब, तंबाकू जैसे अन्य हानिकारक पदार्थों के लतों से की है। यदि


We are indeed what we think!

In this modern world there is no running away from social media. Social media has a role to play in modern day lifestyles of all human beings. One of the concern is anyone can be an expert on anything; whether they