Search Results for : phobia

What Is The Psychology Behind Hate?

Hate is a negative feeling of hostility and aversion towards certain people, things, and ideas. Hate is often associated with feelings of fear, anger and discomfort. It often induces harmful behaviour and rift among the people and increases violence, discrimination,


The Psychology Behind Humor

The saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Furthermore, humor is a fantastic way to laugh. Everyone enjoys humor and finding the lighter side of things. Humor is a kind of communication in which the stimulus results in amusement. Humor


Supreme Court Declines to Legalize Same-sex Marriage

Marriage is a ritualised and socially accepted institution that historically unites men and women. It controls a person’s sexual life, allowing them to have children and ensuring the survival of the human race. Marriage creates new social bonds and reciprocal


Hypnosis Therapy: Introduction, Uses and Risk

Hypnosis therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions. It is one of the types of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). The term Hypnosis was coined by a Scottish surgeon named Braid. Hypnosis is said to be a state


Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes and Intervention

Do you sometimes experience a sense of dread before a test or exam? Do you feel your heart race and your hands get clammy before an important interview or before you have to speak publicly? This looming sense of dread


Is India Paying Enough Attention to the Mental Health of Young Adolescents?

According to India’s total population of more than 1.4 billion, the adolescent population (aged 10-19 years) accounts for about 253 million, making it a significant number out of the total. Economists and demographers have coined this demographic segment as the


The Psychology of Pride and Its Positive Side

Positive psychology formulates pride as a positive emotion. Yet pride is not a constructively portrayed emotion among individuals. Pride is regarded as a manifestation of ego and hubris. In previous research, pride is often considered a selfish emotion and thus is


Psychology of a Travelers

It’s a vast but interesting topic, to which each one of us could correlate and understand what makes one such type of a traveler. Psychologically speaking, based on the psychology travelers can be divided into three types as follows-: Let’s


Awareness And Useful Solutions To Psychological Disorders

Thousands of us suffer pangs of pain, frustration, helplessness, and disappointment because of psychological disorders. If the disorder is mild, they bear it in silence. If it is at a severe level, they are forced to take treatment. The expense


I Love You But I Can’t Commit!

We are all familiar with commitment issues when it comes to romantic relationships. It is possible that you fear to commit or know/have been with someone who does.In the current generation, especially with the abundance of choices and options available,