Search Results for : depression
Positive Self Help

ASMR: The Gentle Lullaby of Modern Sleep 

Sleep is more of a luxury in today’s fast-moving world than it is a necessity. Pestered by continuous digital stimuli, burdened brains, and differential time charts, most of us feel the pain of getting quality sleep. Then comes ASMR, a


Understanding Grief: Navigating the Complex Emotions, Cognitions, and Behaviors

Loss is a word most people fear and dislike, yet it is something we all experience in our lives in one way or another. Although the form in which it enters people’s lives may differ, what remains consistent is the


Transgenerational Trauma and Patriarchy

Looking at the world today, troubled with mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression which are the most common, millennials often do not understand where these issues are coming from. The common questions often tainted with detest and aversive

Life Style

Cultural Shifts and Their Effects on Identity and Mental Health

Today, cultural shifts as a result of living in a fast-paced, information-rich, and socially evolving world are undoubtedly redefining the nature of identity and mental health more than ever before. These changes, spearheaded by globalization, digitalization, and the like, have


The Role of Inpatient Treatment in Mental Health Management

Hospitalization can have a major impact on the stabilization and recovery from severe mental health issues. It provides organized, round-the-clock emergency mental health care for everyone in crisis (whatever their age) and renders a greater admission-to-discharge continuum that can enhance

Education Positive

Cognitive Training for Mental Health: Insights from Psychologists

One significant aspect of present-day life, mental health, reflects overall well-being that has been garnering effective interventions to manage and enhance. One such effective intervention to enhance and manage mental health is cognitive training, gaining popularity and recognition nowadays. Cognitive

Education Self Help

Examination Anxiety: Doubts Kill the Will

Exam anxiety is the experience of feeling an intense moment of fear or panic before or during an exam/ assessment. Little anxiety is normal and even sometimes helpful to stay mentally and physically alert. Examination Anxiety is a combination of


10 Reasons People Find it Hard to Forgive Others, According to Psychology

The bitter feelings of resentment towards those who wronged us plague our minds from time to time. “Is holding onto these feelings right?”, “Will I ever be able to forget and feel right again?” These questions haunt many almost every

Self Help

Emotional Bankruptcy: Depleted Emotions, Indicators & Prevention

Have you ever found yourself pouring your heart into a relationship and feeling constantly drained because you are always unappreciated? If so, there’s a term for this feeling-“Emotional bankruptcy”. And it is more common in modern relationships than one might

Positive Self Help

A Guide to Handling Panic Attacks, According to Psychologist

Have you ever felt a sudden terror strike you out of the blue? Your heart is thumping in your chest. You are breathing but it feels like the air is not reaching your lungs. You are shaking and sweating all