Search Results for : romantic relationships

Experts Reveal The Psychology behind Dating App Addiction

The world is a small place and this has also influenced how people find their romantic partner. There was a time when people got married only to people near their locality, with advancements in transportation, we were allowed to travel

Relationship Self Help

Role of Empathy in Building a Meaningful Relationship

Relationship can be defined as the connection by which two people are bonded by a personalized beautiful trust. Be it a blood relation or an emotional relation. Now let’s see the case of one married couple relatable to today’s scenario.

Self Help

Erotomania: The Delusion of Being Loved by Everyone

Erotomania is an uncommon mental illness defined by the enduring hallucination (fixed, erroneous belief) that someone else loves them from a distance. In psychiatry, the illness has a lengthy history and is referred to the de Clérambault’s syndrome. More recently,


The Psychology behind Scapegoating

The history of the word “scapegoat” begins way back in the 16th century, when the Jewish community placed their sins onto the described ritual animal in preparation for Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. A key part of Yom Kippur,


Can Cats help us Improve our Mental Health?

While Cats are so darn picky creatures yet around 10 to 30 percent of us call ourselves “cat people”—not dog people,. So why do we choose to bring these fluffballs into our homes—and spend over hundreds and thousands on one who isn’t

Self Help

How To Deal with Rejection? Insights from Expert

Life is not just about success, achievements, and happiness it is also about failure, rejection, and days where you feel miserable. You might be that person who was full of hope and energy until the day your feelings got crushed

Awareness Parenting

Paving the Way for Gender-Neutral Parenting and Acceptance in Society

“Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it counts.” This quote given by a prominent activist, Barbara Gittings, who worked towards the cause of acceptance of the


Understanding and Overcoming Fear of Intimacy

Fear of intimacy is a subconscious fear of proximity that regularly disrupts people’s intimate relationships. This fear of physical and/or emotional intimacy frequently manifests in people’s closest and most meaningful relationships. While we may be conscious of our apprehension and


Stonewalling vs Gaslighting

Dating, relationships, and even friendships have become really difficult to navigate in this modern day of technology. People seem to have more trouble maintaining good relationships than any generation. However, there is an advantage of fast-paced technology and social media


Understanding Gender and Sexuality in Psychology

Although they are frequently used synonymously in everyday speech, the terms “sexuality” and “gender identity” refer to separate psychological concepts with unique nuances. An individual’s internal perception of their gender, whether it be male, female, or somewhere in between, is