Search Results for : parenting
Awareness Self Help

Are You Aware? Symptoms That Could Signal a Personality Disorder

Personality is essential, To define who we are as people. It encompasses a special combination of characteristics, such as attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours, as well as how we show these characteristics in the relationships we have with other people and


How do I talk to my Child about Depression?

As much as we nurture our children with love and care, we may have to articulate certain essentials that are very much needed for their lives and well-being. In the world that we are in today, mental health issues have


11 Effective Methods to Teach Children Good Habits

“Through others we become ourselves” Lev Vygotsky Lev Vygotsky was a psychologist known for his theories on child development. This quote implies the importance of social environment and relationships in children. Interactions with caregivers, family, peers, etc have a significant


The Power of Autonomy: Why It Matters in Psychology

In psychology, autonomy is the capacity to make decisions on your own instead of relying on other people. The ability to be autonomous must be developed gradually. One of the best instances of autonomy is how, from being completely dependent


What is Abnormal psychology? Meaning, history, and Theoretical perspectives

The study of psychopathology and abnormal conduct, or the thought, emotion, and behavior patterns that may indicate a mental health issue, is known as abnormal psychology. The phrase encompasses a wide range of problems, including personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),

Positive Relationship

Family Dynamics: Navigating Relationships and Parenthood in Your Lifestyle

Welcoming a first child into your life transforms your world in profound ways, reshaping your daily routine and the dynamics of your most important relationships. The journey from pregnancy to parenting is one of adaptation and growth for couples, as


Comparative Psychology: Exploring the Behaviour Across all Species

Comparative psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behaviour of animals like dogs, cats, rats, pigs and other such animals, unlike humans. The father of comparative psychology is C Lloyd Morgan due to the fact that he provided


Human Psychology Theories on Personality Development

Personality is something that everybody has. It creates a boundary for an individual. It shapes an individual’s experience. Personality can expand or limit an individual’s experience. Personality is derived from the Latin word persona meaning mask or make-up that an


Training is important for parents of children with behavioral issues

Reena is a young mother of Ahaan, a three year old who was recently diagnosed with autism by a psychologist. While struggling to come to terms with her child’s diagnosis and its implications she often feels stressed out with Ahaan’s


10 Self-Care Strategies for Parents

The conscious decision to schedule activities that support preserving one’s physical and emotional well-being is known as self-care. Although it doesn’t have to take a lot of time, taking care of your body and mind needs constant attention. The physical