Search Results for : phobia

Why are people Scared of Clowns?

Phobia is a term used for a fear of objects, events, and deeply irrational things. This fear then causes hindrances and disruption in everyday functioning. Phobias can be about anything and everything. It is normally characterised as an anxiety disorder


Crisis Management

When an individual is going through a crisis, they are likely to be in intense danger that requires immediate attention and resolution. Crisis Management involves effectively dealing with, and responding to any disaster that might occur, be it natural or


Why Are People Homophobic?

What is Homophobia? Homophobia refers to the culturally produced fear, or more accurately, prejudice, hatred, and intolerance against people who are attracted to others of the same gender. It exists along with other forms of prejudice such as transphobia and


The Impact of Virtual Reality Technology on Therapy

Imagine you have a fear of heights, you might think that this could be a difficult task for you to overcome this situation. But what if someone tells you that you can overcome this phobia without being in a real-life


Psychology Behind Fear and Its Impact on People

Fear is a primary human emotion that occurs whenever we feel the presence of any danger or threat around us. It affects both physiological and psychological factors. There are many instances in our day-to-day life when we feel fear like


Influence of Horror Movies on Sleep and Dreams

Horror films like the cult favorite “The Exorcist,” “Saw,” “The Ring,” and “The Shining” are popular. Our screens overflow with killers and ghosts, and dramatic music plays constantly. Psychological tactics are used in horror films to manipulate sound, visuals, and


Childhood Fears and, Their Relation to Mental Health Disorders

There are many risks in a child’s world, both imagined and real, that many adults forget they have ever faced. Research indicates that anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent childhood psychiatric conditions, despite the fact that the majority of


The Importance of Mutual Understanding in Relations

Understanding one another on deeper levels is key to a successful relationship. Partners must acknowledge both similarities and differences shaped by unique backgrounds and experiences. With empathy and care, examining strengths, weaknesses, values and goals allows the bond to strengthen


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques for Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques for Anxiety Cognitive behavioural therapy commonly known as CBT is a popular form of psychological treatment used by most of today’s mental health professionals. It is a talking therapy that can help one manage their problems


Behind the Laughter: Robin Williams

Robin Williams, the comedic genius and beloved actor, left an indelible mark on the world of entertainment. Beyond his laughter-inducing performances, Williams used his platform to advocate for mental health awareness. His journey, marked by struggles with mental health and