Search Results for : mood

Psychosocial disability 

You may have encountered individuals with mental illnesses who seem to function normally—they go to work every day and communicate effectively. Conversely, you may have also seen people with depression and other mental health issues who struggle to maintain that


Understanding Atelophobia: The Fear of Imperfection and How to Overcome It

An intense fear of imperfection, where individuals tend to harshly judge themselves for being not perfect and set unachievable goals. This may sound like one of the symptoms of OCD but it is called Atelophobia. Let’s learn the causes, symptoms,


The Psychology of Regression

The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, proposed several intriguing yet debatable ideas. Defence mechanisms are a popular concept and represent unconscious coping methods that distort reality to deal with anxiety-provoking events. Often, many display childlike behaviours during stressful events, such


How to stop Negative thinking?

Have you ever felt stuck in a loop of negative thoughts, where everything seems to go wrong? This pattern, known as negative thinking, can make you feel hopeless, anxious, and stressed. Imagine your mind as a garden, where negative thoughts

Life Style

The psychology behind Dendrophiles: understanding the love for trees

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.  John Nicer Dendrophilia can be described as the immense love and connection, some people have for trees and nature. Some people tend to feel an emotional connection with


What does it mean to be in a Platonic Relationship?

The term “platonic friendship” might initially seem useless since friendships are inherently platonic, right? A platonic relationship is a close friendship between two individuals rooted in genuine affection and mutual respect, without any sexual or romantic involvement. This type of relationship thrives


Understanding Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: Symptoms, Causes, and Management

Most of us may not take rejection well initially, but lately, we will pull ourselves together, and move on, right?. What if the rejection, causes severe emotional pain, and intensely heightened negative emotions that are challenging to manage? This condition


The Impact of Urbanization on Mental Health

People are rushing towards urban because they are not able to fulfil their needs in native places. Cities are flooded with plenty of opportunities to live, learn, explore, employment, and entertainment that make the urban areas more attractive. Urbanization refers


Why Gardening is good for your Mental Health?

Imagine walking into a place that feels like a lush green meadow where your every single worry fades away with the fresh air. In this scene, you can feel the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, the fragrance of


Achieve Optimal Health with These Effective Fitness Tips

Staying fit and healthy should be a top priority, no matter your age. But with so much conflicting advice out there, it can be tough to know what really works. Never fear!  This guide covers all the essentials for getting and