Search Results for : romantic relationships
Awareness Relationship

The Psychology Behind the Silent Treatment

Silent treatment is a frame of passionate mishandling where one individual denies communicating with another. This gesture can beget confusion, stress, and emotional pain. Understanding the psychology behind the silent treatment can help you feel it, address it, and ease

Self Help

Empower Yourself: The Art of Setting Boundaries in Everyday Life

A good fence makes good neighbours, similarly, good boundaries make a better life. Robert Frost Becoming a people-pleaser is one of the most common symptoms of having no boundaries. Why have I said these? People-pleasing leads us to always say yes to


Hyper-Independence as a Trauma Response: Signs and Strategies

Trauma responses manifest in diverse forms, becoming intensely infused in our behavioural patterns. Many refuse help, even from loved ones and seek extensive self-reliance to feel secure. In the long term, excessive independence or hyper-independence pushes our well-wishers away and,

Positive Self Help

Investigating the Psychology of ‘Fangirl’ Culture and Female Attachment to Fictional Characters

Picture yourself caring for someone who is unable to reciprocate your feelings. Scratch that, imagine loving a person who is not even aware of your existence. In a rather understated way, this describes the daily experience of a fangirl. Marriam


Understanding Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: Symptoms, Causes, and Management

Most of us may not take rejection well initially, but lately, we will pull ourselves together, and move on, right?. What if the rejection, causes severe emotional pain, and intensely heightened negative emotions that are challenging to manage? This condition

Self Help

How Music Nostalgia Boosts your Mental Health 

Imagine sitting in your middle school classroom, and that filled with memories of innocence and friendships built in those nostalgic years. Suddenly, hear the school prayer song fill the air. At that moment, you travel back to that time flooded with


Psychology Behind Inequality

Conversations about inequality in the present world, as you may have seen, are taking a gradual surge in different political, economic and social dimensions. These talks have always been an ingrained part of society. Once merely hushed whispers, they have


How ADHD can Impact your Relationship and How you can (still) Work it out

Having a fulfilling relationship is a bit of a challenge for every person but maintaining a relationship with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is exceptionally difficult. Symptoms include lack of attention, inability to focus, extreme impatience, impulsiveness,  frequent mood swings,


The Psychology Behind Rebound Sex

After going through a breakup, you must have received conflicting advice on whether or not to begin a new romantic relationship. On account of modern relationships and fleeting connections, your friends will often tell you not to enter a new

Self Help

Understanding the Mother Wound and Its Impact on Well-Being

Mothers, who are often represented as the primary caregivers for their children, are known for the unconditional love they have for their kids. We often associate the mother-child relationship with traits like trust, empathy, nurture and comfort that help in