Search Results for : parenting
Awareness Social

Importance of Social Interaction in Early Childhood Development

Each human being has an innate propensity for social interaction that exists in everyone including the newborn. Even infant of three months old have the innate ability to communicate with their parents or others around them through actions like blinking,

Awareness Parenting

“Spare the Rod, Empower the Child”

Stepping into the world of teaching, I found myself confronted with the challenge of disciplining students, particularly in a senior secondary school setting. I was teaching Psychology to the students of senior secondary school. My profession required a skill which

Education Parenting

TEACCH: Embracing Neurodiversity, Cultivating Independence

Comprehensive treatment model (CTM)  refers to those intervention approaches for children under the Autism spectrum. It includes multiple practices to approach a broad learning goal. Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH) is one of the


Attachment Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

We all sometimes face difficulty when it comes to making and maintaining certain relationships. It could be because of a conflict that we were unable to resolve, or it could be a simple incompatibility between two people. However, when we

Self Help

How To Deal with Rejection? Insights from Expert

Life is not just about success, achievements, and happiness it is also about failure, rejection, and days where you feel miserable. You might be that person who was full of hope and energy until the day your feelings got crushed


World Autism Acceptance Week 2024

One in every 100 youngsters falls into the autism spectrum, according to the WHO. Autism is a distinctive way of thinking marked by exceptional ability in many areas of life, not a sickness or mental disorder. Every year on April


The Art of Creating Healthy Boundaries with Parents

Building boundaries with your parents is a challenging process as it is like cutting a few branches of a tree to build your shelter upon it. As children most of us live with our parents and we are compelled to


Healing your Inner Child

Aren’t you always a kid at heart? Inner Child is that playful, notorious, vulnerable part of yourself. As innocent as it is, your inner child endures the traces of every happening, good or bad, joyful or hurtful. It carries earliest


Understanding and Overcoming Fear of Intimacy

Fear of intimacy is a subconscious fear of proximity that regularly disrupts people’s intimate relationships. This fear of physical and/or emotional intimacy frequently manifests in people’s closest and most meaningful relationships. While we may be conscious of our apprehension and


Understanding Gender and Sexuality in Psychology

Although they are frequently used synonymously in everyday speech, the terms “sexuality” and “gender identity” refer to separate psychological concepts with unique nuances. An individual’s internal perception of their gender, whether it be male, female, or somewhere in between, is