Search Results for : behaviours

Therapeutic Alliance in Therapy

Therapeutic alliance in therapy is one of the most extensively studied concepts in psychotherapy literature. Therapeutic alliance can be conceptualised as the collaborative and affective bond between the therapist and the patient which is crucial for subsequent therapeutic outcomes (Martin


Catatonia: Understanding the Spectrum of Motor Abnormalities

Catatonia is a neuropsychiatric disorder represented by a spectrum of motor abnormalities. This can be right from complete mobility to excessive, the moment of purposelessness. Understanding catatonia identifies its varied presentations, causes and reasons, Effective management Strategiesand treatments. Catatonia specifically


Tips to help you and your partner reconnect after a break in the relationship: A Psychological Perspective

Romantic relationships are a very integral part of our lives, having companionship can make our experiences more colourful, and it may act as a shield of support during our trying times. Despite the beauty of the relationships, it can sometimes


The Psychology Behind Vulnerable Narcissism 

A narcissist is characterized as someone who displays grandiosity and has a superiority complex. Famous figures such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Madonna and Kim Kardashian incorporate what is perceived as a deep need for admiration and evoke powerful, larger-than-life


The Psychology Behind Authoritarianism

Humans have witnessed centuries of conflict among rulers and political leaders fighting for power and authority. Our history is full of countless revolutions to overthrow autocracy and fight for independence. But authoritarian rule continues to exist it has declined since


Capgras Syndrome: The Delusion of Doppelganger

Capgras Syndrome is a rare condition in which a person is perceived as the duplicate of a family member or loved one. This delusion can hamper daily functioning and affect both the patient and the person disillusioned as a doppelganger.


From Superstition to Science: The Evolution of Mental Health Understanding and Treatment

Imagine waking up one day with symptoms of depression, feelings of guilt, lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed, and persistent fatigue. Today, a doctor or psychologist would likely diagnose you with depression and offer treatment options. But what

Self Help

How to Deal with Emotional Flooding, According to Psychologists

Can you remember a time when you experienced too many emotions, so much so that they seemed to fill up your throat, your body being flooded with them? Well, let’s learn what this emotional flooding phenomenon is, and how to

Positive Self Help

Managing Dismissive Behaviour: Tips for Better Communication

Dismissive behaviour is an interpersonal relationship that can significantly impact interactions with another individual that is something off. Recognizing and understanding listening is critical for posting a healthy connection and improving communications. This article explains the various factors of dismissive


Fregoli Delusion: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

The Fregoli delusion is named after the actor Italian Leopoldo Fregoli. It is a psychiatric disorder characterized by rare, fixed, and unidentified beliefs. The belief is that different people are the same person in disguise or are merely taking on