Search Results for : Disorders

The Psychology of Solitary Confinement

When I say, “The third week of March 2020”, what do you remember? The Lockdown, right? Imagine you lived separately from your family for work and had to manage the lockdown all alone. The first few months felt relaxing and


Pica: The Compulsion to Eat Non-food Items

Pica is an eating disorder characterized by the compulsive consumption of non-food items. This condition occurs across different demographics, most notably in children and pregnant mothers. Apart from its negative health impact it also has dangerous implications on the well-being


Alien Hand Syndrome: The Mystery of Uncontrolled Movements

Imagine you connect your Bluetooth speaker to your mobile and start listening to your favourite songs. Suddenly, the speaker starts to play random songs. Those are songs that you don’t have on your mobile. You try to switch songs on

Health Social

How Brain Rot is silently ruining our lives: A Psychological Perspective

Social media has become omnipresent in the lives of every digital-age citizen through interaction, information consumption, self-perception, and perception of others. While platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok have revolutionized communication, they have also introduced new psychological challenges. The


Is Gambling Evil?: Understanding Gambling Disorder and its Causes

Heywood Broun, a sharp-witted American journalist, once said, “The urge to gamble is so universal, and its practice so pleasurable, that I assume it must be evil.” This statement encapsulates a powerful truth: the irresistible urge to gamble is a

Self Help

We all need to (and can) get back on our feet after facing an Academic Failure

The current scenario of academics in India is rife with cutthroat competition and greatly unpredictable. From increasingly challenging competitive exams ranked among the ‘toughest in the world’, to paper leaks, students are surrounded by difficulty and uncertainty. These can take


Calm Your Nerves: Dietary Changes for Reducing Anxiety

Anxious about your upcoming exams? Oh, that’s fine. You’ll do well. Is your mother sick? So you’re afraid something might happen to her? Don’t worry. Things will get better. Worried that you might be late for your first interview if


Is Delulu the Solulu?: Delusions and Genz

“No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities.” Christian Bovee This Christian Bovee Quote from centuries ago echoes the sentiments of Gen-Z social media users who proudly describe themselves


Neurotransmitter Switch May Trigger Autism Symptoms

A recent study from the University of California San Diego has investigated how changes in neurotransmitter levels during early brain development might be associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The research, published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy


The Psychology Behind Hoarding Behaviour

Hoarding is relatively common; we all know someone with a garage full of random trinkets and things that seem of little use; however, there is a certain point where hoarding becomes an issue. For this reason, Hoarding Disorder has been