Search Results for : Depression
Awareness Health

Understanding Eco-Anxiety in Youth

In the current scenario of the world, where climate change continues at alarming levels. It is not surprising that youth are experiencing a new phenomenon: eco-anxiety. Eco-anxiety, also known as climate anxiety, describes how individuals emotionally respond to stress, worry,

Awareness Hindi

किशोरावस्था पर सोशल मीडिया का प्रभाव 

किशोरावस्था  (adolescence) मानव जीवन के व्यक्तित्व का नींव माना जाता है। वैज्ञानिक आमतौर पर इसे 13-19 वर्ष के बीच का समय मानते है। एक बालक को किशोरावस्था में शारीरिक, मानसिक, और भावनात्मक बदलावों का सामना करना पड़ता है। यह बदलाव

Education Health

AI in Therapy: Complement or Competition for Human Counselors?

Are you frustrated over a small issue at 2:00 AM? And do you want to talk about it with a therapist immediately? AI chatbots come to the rescue for in-the-moment mental health support.  Global Mental Health at a Glance A


The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Health and Well-being

Quality sleep is crucial for maintaining overall health—physical, mental, and emotional. Without sufficient sleep, we may experience effects the following day, such as decreased energy levels needed to function optimally. A healthy adult typically needs 6-8 hours of sleep each


Understanding The Stigma That Surrounds Mental Health

– A middle-aged woman revealed she hasn’t even told her husband that she has intrusive​​ thoughts that their son will die because he once called her “crazy”. The father of a 19-year-old with Body Dysmorphic Disorder expressed how he feels


Long-Term Effects of Childhood Neglect on Adult Mental Health

Childhood is a crucial time when emotional, psychological, and social well-being is shaped for the future. Many challenges can affect a child’s development, and one of the most harmful forms of abuse is neglect. Unlike physical abuse, which often leaves


50% of Chinese Americans Report Mental Health Struggles Amid Discrimination

A recent survey was conducted on 504 Chinese American adults by the New York Committee of 100 and the University of Chicago’s NORC. It reflects alarming insights into their experiences with discrimination as well as mental health problems. The report

Life Style

How  Does Trauma Affect Brain Function?

Trauma can impact the body as well as the mind on a deep level. Anytime we speak of trauma, we are talking about having gone through something disturbing or heartbreaking, such as being in a serious car accident or losing

Health News

Smartphone use may increase heart disease risk: study

In today’s world, smartphones have become an extension of ourselves, but could this constant connectivity with our smartphones hurt our cardiovascular health? Experts are raising concerns about how smartphone use may affect our hearts. In an intriguing and captivating discussion

Positive Self Help

How to Deal with your Mental Health during major Life Transitions?

The only thing constant is change Life is not always a bed of roses. It takes us through an unexpected journey of turns. Some transitions are anticipated  (marriage or retirement), and others are abrupt and unexpected (loss of a loved