Search Results for : relationship

Effects of failed relationship on the mental health

Relationship is defined as a bond where two or more individuals are coming together to form a bond amongst each other. We individuals have the tendency to connect with people around us and in doing so we form various relationships


Miscarriage: Makes or Breaks a relationship

Every couple dream of having a child and the path it follows is very joyous. Couples eagerly wait for the little member of their family. There is no bound to their joy. Not even couples but family members also wait


Foodie calls: dating for a free meal (rather than a relationship)

When it comes to dating, there is a lot of possibilities that people can present themselves and their interest in any number of ways. One of the newer phenomena is a ‘foodie call’ where a person sets up a date


10 Ways to Live a Happy Relationship and deal with problems in your relationship

Many believe, that past relationships are a sign of failure or time they wasted with the wrong person. Broken relationships do leave us with feelings of sorrow, uncertainty, and guilt but there is a lot of wisdom we can take


Relationship OCD – CD – The biggest threat to todays world

Now days Relationship Obsession is a common factor among many couples in this uncertain world, as a result of which broken relationship, roughness and dullness between pairs (Teenagers & Adults Both) are common scenario everywhere. Before knowing about Relationship Obsession,


Relationship Guide

As soon as you read the title of this article, you might have instantly thought that this section would talk about a romantic relationship or something on the similar lines and would provide you a rulebook or guidelines or “5


Abusive Relationships

Relationship abuse can be defined as a forceful behavior that are used to maintain power and control over the former or current partner causing physical, sexual or psychological harm. Abuse can be emotional , financial, sexual ,physical and include threats


How to prevent a relationship from getting Toxic

Humans are social beings by nature and therefore “relationships” for them become pertinent. It is not only essential to make a relationship but it is vital to keep them smooth and sustaining. Relationships can give the utmost happiness and it


Importance of Healthy Boundaries in a Relationship

If you want to live an authentic, meaningful life, you need to master the art of disappointing and upsetting others, hurting feelings, and living with the reality that some people just won’t like you. It may not be easy, but


Sustainable relationships require boundaries

“Your personal boundaries protect the inner core of your identity and your right to choices” –Gerard Manley Hopkins A relationship tends to be fruitful only when it contributes to the growth of a better self. For relationships to survive, specific