Search Results for : therapy

The Funeral Rituals and its Psychological Effect on Individuals

To a living organism, life is the most important thing which starts at birth and ends with death. In the case of human beings, between both of these phases, they go through several developmental stages, from which they learn many


The Corporate World Today

Well-disciplined, immaculate, stylish, time bound, go-getters and achievers- such is the structure and foundation of any corporate. All this and more sums up to be a culture all by itself. Nothing wrong with this, in fact it is best for

Self Help

Detoxification of Mental Health

Everyone strives to live a pleasurable life, a life with no worries, no stresses, no headaches etc. and dreams to live it blissfully. But as one gets older and enters his/her adulthood, the stress and anxieties begin to emerge and



Mind and body are not only connected, but are inseparably one. Our minds consist of our beliefs, thoughts, emotions/feelings, etc.; which are invisible. We know they are there because we experience them. In contrast, our bodies consist of tissues, blood,


Cannabis….. Really

Cannabis is a common substance of abuse during adolescence among school, college going students and street children in India. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 147 million people or 2.5 percent of world population use Cannabis, making it the


Depression in Teens

Caretakers of Ms A, 13-year-old girl visited a psychologist reporting the chief complaints of the girl being self-harming, sad, unhappy, isolated, and inexpressive most of the time of the day over a period of time. After having a few counselling


The power of silence amidst a noisy world

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they


Mindfulness: A road towards a healthy mind!

“Thoughts don’t matter but your response to them does.” –Adrian Wells Globalization has transformed the overall scenario of India where the growth of digital communication and mass media has promoted the economic status of India along with many disappointments. Among


Animals as stress buster

Studies show that with interactions to therapy, animals can decrease stress in human beings. Playing with or petting on an animal can increase the level of the stress-reducing hormone named, Oxytocin and decreases the production of the stress hormone called


Is your worrying habit, more than just a habit?

“Worried about missing your flight every single time? Constantly thinking about deadlines or things to do? The thought of unexpected guests turning up at home sends jitters down the back? Or is there a constant sense of nagging of something