Search Results for : therapy

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Understanding how the weather affects our mood

Ever felt angrier than usual when the temperature soars? Or perhaps gloomy when the sky was pouring down? There are countless articles available in the research field which point toward a strong role of the weather in influencing our mood.


Suicide Prevention: A quintessential service for modern times

There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide.” – Albert Camus. According to the World Health Organization report of 2019, India ranks 21 in terms of the annual count of suicides with a whopping 2,20,481 suicides


Mindset and Gene Expression

Genes and Health Most of us believe that we are stuck with the genes we are born with. However, there are now evidences that we can influence our genes and get healthier. Let’s understand what do we mean by influencing

Self Help

The healing power of “AUM”

A….U….M….! A….U….M….! A….U….M….! Experienced a sudden sense of calmness, didn’t you? Chants are the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. People who have grandparents at their houses, must have often come across the practice of chanting AUM early



This word, does it confuse you? Not to those who belong to this community. Some have parents, while some are parents but over half of the world’s population are Pawrents. They are little more empathetic towards pets too, with qualities


Coping Withdrawal Symptoms of Substance abuse

“Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you.” Aldous Huxley Substance Abuse is a major concern worldwide, India being no exception. Alcohol, which was once used as the part of rituals


Role of Art Therapeutic Interventions among children with learning disabilities

Art Therapy can be understood as psychotherapy that is facilitated by a trained Art Therapist, and that involves the use of art and craft materials for the purpose of expressing one’s thoughts and emotions. Since the time of inception, art


Children of Divorce

Divorce, the dissolution of marriage, is an event characterized by disappointment and the shattering of dreams and expectations of a couple. A significant change in their lives, a divorce involves emotional, legal, financial and parental aspects that require a shift


Postpartum Depression: Blissful Motherhood to Nightmare

Becoming a mother is a dream of almost every woman, this good news brings happiness in their lives but motherhood is not blissful for every new born mother. As sometimes, it comes along with many unwanted difficulties. Postpartum depression (PPD)


Too low for the flow

Constant pressure, unforeseen situations and bad health can cause mental imbalance. Feeling of loneliness, helplessness, hopelessness and low affect can hamper your daily functioning. If prolonged, it may worsen and result in clinical depression. “DEPRESSION” – it is a serious