Search Results for : mental health disorders
Awareness Motivation Self Help

Perspectives On Staying Indoors

On 24th March, 2020, the Prime Minister of India, Shri. Narendra Modi announced a national lockdown of 21 days in order to control the ongoing pandemic, COVID-19. Since the lockdown, many lives have taken an unexpected turn. Although everyone has


An exclusive interview with Dr R.K. Chadda

Educational Qualifications: MBBS (Dec 1980) – Medical College, Rohtak M.D. (May 1985) – Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh MAMS (1998) – National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) Diplomat (2007) – International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling & Psychotherapy


An exclusive interview with Dr. Sudhir Kakar

Date of Birth: 25 th July 1938 Place of Birth: Nainital, Uttarakhand, India Educational Qualifications: B.E. in Mechanical Engineering (Gujarat University, 1958) Master’s Degree (Diploma-Kauffmab) in Business Economics (Mannhiem, Germany, 1964) Doctor’s Degree in Economics (University of Vienna, 1971) Training


Impact of social anxiety on the life of sufferer

We all go through from a bit of nervousness, sweaty palms, stammering when asked to speak in front of everyone in the large assembly. It’s a challenge for everyone to perform in front of a gathering. Many famous leaders like


Eco Anxiety

If we look at the history of humanity, humans seemed to have been getting along well with nature at the beginning. Humans respected nature; some even worshipped its powers in different forms. But as we have “progressed” as intellectual beings,


Importance of self love and how to cultivate it ….

Self-love, everyone heard this word at one point in their life. For some people, self-love may sound a bed of roses rather than a necessity. We as individuals engage in lot of work day and night and take little or


The effect of stalking behavior on psychological well being of women

Stalking is a behavior, not a Psychological disorder. Where psychological disorders play a vital role in stalking, the contribution differs hugely depending on the nature of the symptoms, the context in which they are experienced, and the role of other


Solo Travelling

Are you getting moan about going alone? No, please don’t. The fear you face about going alone, safety concerns are blocks between you and your travelling. It seems you are vulnerable to miraculous encounters, isn’t it. Oh! But it’s an


Conduct Disorder: An Overview

Tara, a four year old, was yelling & screaming and interrupting everyone at dinner table. As her mother scolded her, she picked up the serving spoon and threw it at her mother with all force and hit her- Everyone was


Indian Culture-Bound Syndrome

Culture is a particular set of behaviour, patterns and attributes of a certain group of people. They have their owm specific language, music, art, cuisinead habits. It can also be defined as shared patterns of behaviours and interactions, cognitive constructs