Search Results for : psychotherapy

The Difference Between Psychiatrists and Psychologists

Mental health has got its awareness in the current era. People have started to care for their Mental health as important as their Physical health. While talking about the treatment and care for the individual’s mental illness, there are certain


The Hidden Struggles of Adult ADHD

ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) symptoms may include low self-esteem, memory issues, agitation or a quick temper, reckless behavior, risk-taking, and a lack of ambition. In addition to professional challenges, these symptoms can lead to financial troubles, physical and mental health

Education Self Help

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Mental Health’s Impact on Well-being

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common condition affecting the digestive system. The symptoms of IBS include stomach cramps, diarrhoea, constipation, and bloating. These symptoms tend to fluctuate over time and can last for days, weeks or even months. This


How to choose in between counselor and therapist?

Therapist and counselor are the terms that may sound similar to the majority of the population, but when dug deeper it is very different specific terms belonging to the field of health professionals. Their licensing and the way of practice

Education Therapy

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy’s Role in Mental Wellness

According to the World Health Organization, more than 7 lakh people die every year due to suicide. Suicide is associated with numerous psychological disorders, particularly borderline personality disorder and major depressive disorder. To treat these disorders and to reduce the


“How’s the Josh?” Breaking the Silence on Mental Health in Military Personnel

There is no denying that the role of military personnel is of utmost importance. It is a physically and psychologically taxing career which requires a high degree of mental strength and physical toughness. Since the role of the military is

Self Help

Are you in stress? Be aware its physical reactions

Stress can be described as a state of mental tension or worry, which can be caused by any difficult situation. It is a natural response of humans and prompts us to address threats and challenges in our lives. It can


No Health without mental health: Part and Parcel of life

Health is a fundamental human right, a global goal, and vital to the nation’s economic growth and internal stability. Physical and mental health have a bidirectional relationship. They are not separate entities and should be looked in unison to understand


Eco therapy: The Transformative Power of nature in mental well-being

Connecting with nature has long been seen to be helpful for a variety of reasons, including psychological well-being. Varying between anthropocentrism and eco-centrism, differences in Indian and Western thoughts have viewed natural elements in different lights. Based on explicit environmental


The Psychology of Unethical Behavior

Suppose for a moment, you went to a gym for your daily workout. A tall and bulky guy walks in the room with some arrogance reflecting in his walk. Another guy, with a comparatively less body mass is doing his