Search Results for : mental health benefits

Inflation And Mental Health

All of us are quite sure of the fact that our blood pressure levels would certainly shoot up if this month’s electricity bills shoot up beyond average and high. But did you know that the high levels of inflation that


Ecotherapy & its Impacts on Mental Health

Our senses are drawn to nature, which also evokes awe and amazement in us. We can detach from the demands of daily life and re-establish a connection with something greater than ourselves when we interact with the natural environment. A

Self Help

The Connection of Journaling with Mental Health

To better comprehend your thoughts and feelings, put them in writing. Additionally, journaling might be a fantastic option if you deal with stress, despair, or anxiety. Writing down your feelings and ideas as you go through daily life is called


Teletherapy & Telehealth: Introduction, Advantages, and Limitations

Technologies such as videoconferencing, the Internet, and others have the potential to provide better mental health information, more efficient and affordable mental health services, and more chances for the prevention of mental health illnesses. With regard to preferred modes of


The Important Things You Need To Know About Health Psychology

As our lifestyles change, our eating habits do not remain the same. Human behavior plays a crucial part in this. Certain habits like smoking and drug abuse all lead to cause of death. However, psychology has the potential to present


The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Older Adults

Although mental health problems can arise at any stage of life, growing older is a significant risk factor for mental illness. Many older adults volunteer and work in society in addition to being connected to members of their families and

Awareness Parenting Self Help

Effects of social media on children’s mental health

Social media addiction and its impact on Children In this age of digitization, mobile phones have become akin to cherished family members. The use of social media has seamlessly integrated itself into the lives of many, especially the youngest generation.


Telepathy and Its Potential Impact on Mental Health

Within the dynamic mental health field, the convergence of technology, and psychology has created new openings. Telepathy is one fascinating field of study in this regard. Even while telepathy has historically been connected to paranormal activities and wisdom literature, more

Education Positive

Positive Psychotherapy: A Unique Approach to Mental Health

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your actions” said the Dalai Lama. This quote explains that we are in charge of our happiness. Happiness doesn’t happen to us, we have to cultivate happiness using measures like showing gratitude,


The Psychology of Mental Masturbation

This term is used to describe the imagining of a sexual activity in order to get sexual arousal. It is done by all ages of people and is gender-neutral. Also, it is a perfect and healthy way for a person