Search Results for : Depression

Indigenisation and Gender Equity in Psychology: Recognizing Diverse Contributions and Voices

Psychology, a field that has been dedicated to the understanding of human mind and behaviour, has been Eurocentric and male dominated. Contributions of male psychologists such as Freud, Jung, Frankl, Maslow are frequently recognized and quoted whereas the significant contributions

Awareness Self Help

Recognizing and Overcoming the Overthinking Trap

Feeling stuck in a vicious circle of rotten thoughts and worries? Hearing conversations play like recorded tapes in your head, dwelling on past mistakes, and worrying about the future? Then do not be afraid you are not alone. Overthinking stands

Awareness Technology

Understanding Technology’s Impact on Mental Health

In recent years, technology has overtaken and transformed various aspects of life. Technology has both positive and negative impacts. It is in our hands how we utilize it properly. While the technology brings various benefits like connectivity across distances, facilitates


What Strategies can Employees Use to Cope with Difficult Coworkers? 

In any workplace, encountering difficult coworkers is almost inevitable. Whether it’s a bully, a gossip, or someone whose stress spills into their interactions, these behaviours can have a damaging effect on both the work environment and employee well-being. Navigating such


How do I know I need Therapy?: Psychologist Speaks

Remember the recent interview with Ranbir Kapoor regarding his idea of therapy? It didn’t help him, and he was vocal about it (let us forget about it being problematic or not for the sake of this article). But does therapy


10 Signs you might have ADHD

GenZ has become quite famous for using (maybe over-using at times) terms related to Mental Health. “You are such a narcissist”, “I am in my depressive phase”, “I have OCD that’s why”, etc. are thrown around so casually, that the

Education Health

Navigating the Pressures Shaping Youth Mental Health: A Discussion

A discussion with Dr Arvind Otta, a psychologist, and Mayank Mishra, a career counsellor, brings the viewers’ attention to the growing problem of peer pressure among young people in India, in a conversation with Journalist Tabish Hussain from NDTV. In


Neuroticism and Personality: Exploring Emotional Instability

Personality in itself is very intriguing and inquisitive to almost everyone. In layman’s terms, Personality is what a person is. It is all about the person, ‘in and out’. The word ‘Personality’ comes from the Roman word ‘persona’ which means


Blended Families: A New Kind of Togetherness

When partners in a relationship combine their children from previous relationships or adopt children, they create a blended family, also referred to as a stepfamily. This new family unit often emerges as the partners strengthen their bond and decide to


Psychological Complexities of Non-Binary Identities

People increasingly recognize non-binary individuals who do not fit into the traditional male and female categories. The growth in awareness has led to a recent spurt in research into the psychological complexity of non-binary identities.  What is Non-Binary?  The majority