NIMHANS Workshop on Psychosocial care of the elderly during disasters 

NIMHANS Workshop on Psychosocial care of the elderly during disasters 


The Department of Psychosocial Support in Disaster  Management (DPSSDM) & National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences  (NIMHANS), with the National Institute of Social Defence (NISD) as part of the Ministry  of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, conducts a two-day National Workshop on Psychosocial Care for the Elderly in Disasters on February 3 & 4, 2025.  The workshop will take place at Seminar Hall, Fifth Floor, MVG Building, NIMHANS, Bengaluru and will be aimed at increasing vulnerability among elderly population in the face of disasters. 

Objectives of the workshop: 

The Indian population is aging rapidly. Forms of physical, mental, and social  vulnerabilities created among the elderly in the wake of disaster events need to be  specifically addressed. Therefore, the workshop will focus mainly on strategies of disaster  preparedness and response which would yield resilience and well-being among seniors  in a crisis. Experts, policymakers, and caregivers will critically discuss and analyze legal,  social, and institutional frameworks for elderly care in the workshop. 

Key Topics & Themes 

Some of the major talking heads in the workshop are: 

  • Health Issues of Older Adults: Mental and Physical Health in Disasters Preparedness and Response in Disaster – Best Practices of Psychosocial Interventions 
  • Social Vulnerabilities: Understand Changes in Older Adults and their caregivers’ family  formation and social disconnection in older adulthood. 
  • Climate Change & Old Age Care: Understand the dangers-hot, polluted, extremity of  weather, etc. Plan ahead 

Participants will become knowledgeable and skillful through these lectures by geriatric  mental health and disaster management experts, through group discussions, practical  training, and policy dialogues. 

Who Can Apply?

  • Doctors 
  • Social work practitioners 
  • Psychologists 
  • Researchers 
  • Academics 
  • Policy Makers 
  • NGO representatives participated in elderly care 
  • Elderly & disaster management practitioners 

Expected Outcomes 

Participants will gain 

  • Sufficient information on geriatric care in disaster. 
  • Real psychosocial and mental health interventions. 
  • Policy recommendations for geriatric-focused disaster responses. 
How to Register? 

Mode: Off-line 

Participants: 175 participants first come, first served) 

Registration Fee: Free 

Travel Allowance: NIL 

Registration form: 

With NIMHANS collaborating with NISD, this collaboration of disaster management would  handle crises better in adults and keep older adults safe, safe-guarded, and dignified. Refer to the official page of NIMHANS for further information. 

About the Organizers

NIMHANS, recognized as a Centre of Excellence designated under National Disaster  Management Authority and has already set the chain of psychosocial care with its support  going four decades toward the survivors in disasters. Under it, a Department of  Psychosocial Support was formed in the year 2019 and further strengthened in the year  2021, whereby training, research, and rehabilitation have been marked off as its  fundamental functions. Their services include Psychosocial first aid, a disaster helpline,  and a Samaashraya Clinic. 

NISD is an institute working under the aegis of the Ministry of Social Justice and  Empowerment. This institute conducts training as well as research services in the fields  of drug abuse prevention, elderly welfare, and social defense. The workshop would therefore be an excellent opportunity for professionals and  caregivers to sharpen their skills, thus helping to fortify the disaster resilience of the aged  population of India.


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