Navigating the Top Stressors in India

Navigating the Top Stressors in India


We go through a lot of stress every day. Although Eustress is healthy, it can turn to distress without us even knowing. Traffic, trivial fights, hunger, etc. are all the minor stresses that we encounter on a day-to-day basis. But what are the top stresses in a country like India?

Read More: Eustress vs. Distress: The Fine Line Between Motivation and Overwhelm

Is the Indian Population Stressed?

According to a study, 77% of Indians experience stress regularly. In May 2022, a study conducted a poll in India and found that half of the participants in the 24-34 age range reported feeling more stressed or nervous in the previous 12 months (2022). Another report in 2023 reported that 24% of Indians experienced stress. The discrepancy exists due to the population area (urban VS rural), age range (different sample sizes), and Characteristics of the sample (gender, demographics, socio-economic status).

So, Which are the Top Stressors?


The current work environment is the source of stress for 26% of Indians. Particularly in fields like manufacturing, banking, and information technology, many Indian workers put in long hours and bear enormous workloads. Workers frequently have to fulfil strict deadlines and high-performance expectations. Some places of employment have poisonous work environments, no assistance for mental health issues, stressful long commutes in crowded cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi, and a terrible work-life balance. Welcome to the life of many IT workers in Bangalore, where long hours, tight deadlines, and a “blink and miss your break” mentality are the norm. Imagine attempting to hold ten coffee mugs while riding a rollercoaster.

Read More: Toxic Workplaces: Signs, Impact and Solution

Financial Instability

Uncertainty in finances is a source of stress for 17% of Indians. Financial stress has resulted from rising living expenses brought on by inflation in necessities (food, petrol, housing, healthcare, and education). A large number of Indians experience job insecurity, especially in light of the growth of contract work, freelance employment, and automation.

Financial insecurity is exacerbated by the weight of personal debt, which includes credit card debt, student loans, and mortgages. Increased expenses for healthcare and education, as well as stress on one’s bodily and mental well-being, are all significant factors. It’s similar to playing Monopoly, but you still owe rent even when property values soar in the middle of the game! Many Indians find themselves trapped in an endless cycle of debt due to inflation, loans, and unstable employment.

Read More: How Financial Stress Became a Reason of Mental Health Crisis: Research

Relationship issues

Relationship issues cause 14% of people to feel stressed. Identity and social standing are greatly influenced by one’s family. Parental expectations, intergenerational disputes, financial hardship, in-law intervention, and social pressures around marriage are some of the variables that contribute to family relationship stress in India and hurt emotional and mental health. Marital relations might feel like a high-stakes negotiation due to societal pressure, in-law meddling, and parental expectations. Imagine it as an extended family group chat where everyone wants to run your life.

Read More: 14 Signs You Are in a Healthy Relationship, According to Psychologists

Health Issues

India faces a lot of stress related to health, particularly in the wake of the pandemic. While chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension are common, mental health issues like sadness and anxiety have increased by 25%. Health crises are particularly difficult because of rising healthcare expenses and restricted access to inexpensive therapies, which increase financial and emotional pressure.

Headaches brought on by stress, sleep issues, and a general decline in health are also frequent, particularly in cities where the fast-paced lifestyle deteriorates both physical and mental health.​ Imagine your body as a Wi-Fi router to which all users are attempting to connect. Stress headaches, mounting medical bills, and chronic illnesses are all vying for bandwidth, draining your energy both physically and mentally.

Social Pressures

They have their roots in society and cultural norms that have an impact on many facets of life. People, especially young adults, frequently feel a great deal of pressure to live up to society’s expectations around marriage, career choices, and proper marriage and family life. When one’s personal ambitions conflict with societal and familial expectations, such as those to marry by a particular age or pursue a particular profession like engineering or medicine, emotional strain results.

It seems like everyone asks, “When’s the wedding?” all the time in your neighbourhood. even if you’re still attempting to decide what lunch is going to be.

Need to Acknowledge and Deal with These Stressors

Reducing mental health issues, increasing productivity, and improving general quality of life all depend on addressing these pressures. We can greatly lower stress levels by enhancing working circumstances, expanding access to financial assistance and mental health care, and encouraging honest communication in interpersonal interactions. Healthier people and a more harmonious society will result from identifying and addressing these pressures.

  • Work stress: Practice time management, set boundaries, and engage in relaxation techniques like meditation or exercise.
  • Financial instability: Create a budget, prioritize savings, and seek financial advice for better planning.
  • Health concerns: Focus on a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and mental health care.
  • Relationship stress: Improve communication, set healthy boundaries, and seek counselling if needed.
  • Social pressures: Focus on self-awareness, pursue personal goals, and learn to manage societal expectations.

These difficulties hurt one’s mental and physical health, whether they are brought on by the demanding nature of work, growing expenses, or social expectations about family and career. People can have better balanced and healthy lives by managing their employment, money, relationships, health, and societal expectations more skillfully.

References +
  • A study by one of India’s largest general insurers shows 77% Indians face regular stress. (2023, December 19). CNBCTV18.
  • AFPRELAXNEWS. (2023). Stress Levels Are Higher In India Since Covid-19 Pandemic: Report. Forbes India.
  • DHNS. (2023). 24% of Indians are struggling with stress: Report. Deccan Herald.

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