Mental health and wellness: overcoming the uncertainty by finding inner peace
Health Self Help

Mental health and wellness: overcoming the uncertainty by finding inner peace

Mental health and wellness: overcoming the uncertainty by finding inner peace


Every adversity carries the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit – Napolean Hill

It’s all always great till life throws you a curveball to test your skills at hitting a sixer with it. We’re in the reality of this metaphor right now, with the pandemic. I think Sarva’s story stands true for most retail businesses that were completely blindsided by the unforeseen global health crisis. While some are braving their way through the storm, some collapse but the real strength is to accept and move on.

Being in the health and wellness space, Sarva too faced its share of hits with the lockdown but at our core, we’re all about making a difference in people’s lives through yoga. So we thought to ourselves, why should that stop? This was when I needed to think about doing the same thing differently & come up with solutions that would enable people to remain mentally, physically, and emotionally fit even while they were at home. Now more than ever before, this was of the utmost importance to us.

The team worked tirelessly to launch online classes across 25 countries including meditation sessions, music therapy, expert-sessions, and live yoga sessions which not just helped people build it into their regular routine but to our surprise, the adoption was much more positive and eager, given people’s need to divert their mind into something active to take it away from anxiety, stress etc. Before we knew, these sessions became a mainstay for thousands of SARVA customers and others too! What could have been adversity became an opportunity for us to ensure that we do our bit in helping people tide over this phase and we continue to do so.

Apart from the challenges that businesses are facing individually, we as people have had to adjust to an entirely new style of living, working, socialising etc. With daily routines disrupted & having to manage a plethora of tasks, it is natural for anxiety, stress, exhaustion and many such conditions to creep in. While the times are tough, these will not last. Change is the only constant and those who adapt get through better. We are all in this together and reaffirming this internally can help us think rationally and who knows, even come up with something unique! I also suggest some basic lifestyle changes that can bring harmony and routine into your day, help you think better without focusing on the negative aspects.

Keep & stick to a regular schedule

Create a calendar and set up a designated space for work so you know when to get out of it. Do not forget to include short breaks to this schedule to rewind and recharge. You need to follow it to the T, but a little bit of effort can not harm!

Stay connected with family and friends

There are many online tools available today to help you keep in touch with family and friends, especially if you are stuck alone. Talk about how you feel, your fears, and anxiety. Chances are they might just be feeling the same way and sharing will help cope and understand.

Keep your immune system strong

This is the cornerstone to holistic health. Good sleep, a balanced and healthy diet, and staying hydrated can help you rejuvenate and stay agile through the day. When the body is healthy, the mind can think and focus better.

Limit media and devices

Overexposure to news or social media can also become a major source of anxiety and stress. Keep yourself updated but avoid overconsumption. Learn to distinguish fake news and encourage your friends to do the same. may trigger or elevate anxiety, stress or panic.

Set limits

Work can sometimes spill over when we work from home. Set boundaries and make sure that you work only during the stipulated time. It can be tempting to continue but you must know where to draw the line which otherwise can affect your health and well-being.


Find time to engage in activities that give you joy and happiness, distracting you from the challenges of everyday life. This could be anything, even a hobby that you have wanted to pursue since long. Meditate and practice mindfulness as these will enable you to connect with yourself. Breathe in and out, cook for your loved ones, and even listen to some calming music. Our SARVA app has an amazing collection for you to check out!

Stay active

Yoga is a great way to destress, be active, stay fit, and be emotionally and mentally sound. The best part is that you can combine yoga with any other form of dance or exercise too! Even if the classes are online, you can engage and workout with your friends and family. Throughout the day, try to get up and move around the house between work. Activity will get those endorphins going and make you feel good!

In conclusion

Overthinking is one of the greatest setbacks most of us face and that can disturb our peace of mind more than anything else. One of the easiest ways to declutch yourself from negative thought patterns is to breathe consciously. It is the most powerful weapon to take control of our mind and life itself. Deep conscious breathing at regular intervals can slow down emotional disturbances.

This is a time when we tend to operate from a state of fear and anxiety — about the things in the past or about the prospective fall downs in future. But it is important to be aware of the present, our emotions, thoughts and behavioural patterns. This can help us reverse a situation and break down conflicting emotional pathways. Meditate and practice gratitude as these will automatically reduce both external and internal conflicts. According to yoga and Indian traditional medicine, most problems occur in the mind first before manifesting physically. Therefore, taking care of this internal state is our primary responsibility.




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