Awareness Self Help

Manifesting Your Desires


We are starting to hear more people talk about the concept of manifesting, but what exactly is manifesting and is there any evidence to prove it works?

I’m Nikita and I have been manifesting all my life. Everything I have today in my personal and professional life is a result of what I have conceived, created, and visualised. In this article, I will share with you five steps that can support you in manifesting anything you want, based on the principles of the law of attraction. By following these steps, you can align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your desired outcome, and create the reality you want.

Step 1: Decide what you want

The first step to manifesting your desire to decide exactly what you want. This may sound obvious, but many people are vague or unclear about what they want and often focus on what they do NOT want.

To manifest your desires, you need to be clear about what makes your soul light up from within. This is much more than goal setting; it is setting intentions aligned with your higher purpose. You could write it down in detail and make it as vivid as possible. For example, instead of saying “I want to be happy”, you could say “I want to wake up every morning feeling joyful and grateful for my life. I want to have a fulfilling career that I love and that makes a positive impact on the world. I want to have a loving and supportive partner who shares my values and goals. I want to travel to different places and experience different cultures. I want to have a healthy and fit body that allows me to enjoy life fully.”

By being specific and clear about what you want, you create a clear picture in your mind of your desired outcome(s). This acts as a blueprint for your subconscious mind, which will energetically work to attract that into your life.

Step 2: Visualise it happening

The second step to manifesting your desire is to visualise it in your mind’s eye. This means that you imagine yourself being in the state as if it has already happened. For example, if one of the things that you want is full yoga classes, you may wish to imagine your class being full and the conversation you will have with people when you tell them that there is a waiting list.

Visualising your desired outcome helps you activate the power of your imagination, which is one of the most powerful tools for creating your reality. When you visualise something, you send a signal to the universe that this is what you want and deserve, and the universe responds by matching your vibration. Visualising also helps you generate positive emotions, such as joy, excitement, gratitude, and love, which accelerate your progress in manifestation.

To visualise effectively, you need to do it daily, either in the morning when you wake up or at night before you go to sleep. You can also do it throughout the day, whenever you need a boost of motivation. You can use affirmations, music, and images as anchors to help enhance your visualisation.

Step 3: Believe it’s possible

The third step is possibly the most challenging. The ability to trust and BELIEVE that your desires can come true, is arguably where most people stumble in their manifesting journey. Believing its possible means to have 100% faith and conviction that you are deserving of what you want and that it will come to you at the right time and in the right way.

Letting go of any doubt and worry about HOW it will happen can be tough for those who like to be in control. The most powerful manifesting is based on trusting the flow of energy and opportunities that may present themselves to you when you are fully aligned.

To believe in your desires, it is important to cultivate a positive mindset and attitude. Coaching can help to eliminate limiting beliefs or thoughts that might be holding you back, replacing them with empowering beliefs and positive thoughts that support your vision and inspire you to take action. It is vital to affirm to yourself daily that what you want is possible, and that you deserve it.

Step 4: Take action towards it

The fourth step to manifesting your desires is to take positive action towards it. This means that you do something every day that brings you closer to your desired outcome. Many people misunderstand manifesting and often assume that we

just sit back and wait for the Universe to grant our wishes! This is far from the truth as experienced manifestors do not expect things to happen by themselves. Instead, we take inspired and aligned action that matches our intention and vibration in the earlier steps.

Taking action towards your desires shows the universe that you are serious and committed to make them happen. It also creates momentum and synchronicity in your life, which attracts opportunities and resources that come to help you achieve your goals, i.e. meeting the right person at the right time or seeing a job opportunity advertised. Taking action also boosts your confidence and self-esteem, which makes you more attractive and magnetic to what you want.

To take action towards your desires, you need to have a plan and a strategy. You need to break down your big goal into small manageable steps and schedule them into your daily routine. It is important to prioritise your tasks and focus on the most important ones, along with tracking your progress and celebrating your achievements.

Step 5: Let go of the outcome

The fifth and final step to manifesting your desires is to let go of the outcome. This may seem counterproductive to the whole process, but it simply means that you detach yourself from the result and focus on the journey, not the destination. Instead of getting stressed over when or how your desires will manifest, you let go of the outcome which allows you to surrender to the divine timing and order of the universe. It allows you to trust that everything is working out for your highest good and that what you want is already on its way to you. Letting go also allows you to enjoy the present moment and appreciate what you already have in your life.

One way to reinforce letting go is to practice gratitude and appreciation. By expressing thanks and appreciation for what you have, is to acknowledge and appreciate the signs and guidance that the universe is sending you along the way. You may also accelerate your progress by implementing mindfulness and meditation, which will help to relax and calm your body and mind.


Manifesting your desires and dreams can be a simple and natural process that anyone can do. Here’s a recap of the five steps:

  1. Decide what you want
  2. Visualise it happening
  3. Believe its possible
  4. Take action towards it
  5. Let go of the outcome

In my experience, by following these steps, you can create the reality you want, and live the life you love. I believe that we are all powerful creators, and we each have the ability to manifest anything we want. Good luck!

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