Interesting psychology behind first love
Positive Relationship

Interesting psychology behind first love

First love

Love, the word which holds the meaning for affiliation. When mutual, it holds the feelings of understanding without uttering any words. A wide range of emotions are involved in love, from warmth and tenderness to a strong sense of attachment. It frequently inspires altruistic deeds, promotes understanding, and enhances feelings of contentment and satisfaction. Loving oneself or others does not bring only joy, but it helps you to live blissfully or let’s say it motivates individuals to care, support, strive for happiness whom they love. A person’s first love is powerful, unforgettable, and emotional. It’s so unforgettable that relationships are forever tarnished by it.

The source of first love for an individual is shown by their family members. Through the span of their lives, it began to shift from family members to another individual to whom one likes. It’s been said that Romantic love and First love are the same. But that’s not the truth. Several characteristics traits can be implemented to distinguish between Romantic and First Love.

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Overview of first love

The initial feelings or emotions experienced by an individual should be unique and perfect. Moreover, it underscores closeness, sharing and Interaction. First love is something that hardly anyone can forget about. Because it doesn’t only includes the person, but also his/her emotions attached to other individuals for the first time. Being able to show affection and participate in someone else’s life is an amazing experience. You also have this very novel emotion, and you have to have total faith in the other person.

Numerous studies have shown that when we fall in love, our brains go through a phase that resembles an addiction. Since it serves as the foundation, the first time may be the most significant. You most likely encountered this foundation of love during a period of your life when your brain was still growing—adolescence.

The consequences we all experience for the rest of our lives are caused by hormone imprinting, even if we may be emotionally stirred to think of our first love when we hear a particular song or see a picture of them on social media. At the same time as our neurological experiences are shaping who we are as individuals, the hormone exchanges leave their mark on the brain’s sensory regions.

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Why do we need love?

Basic needs:

After all, we are Human beings and we desire to be loved, to be taken care of and nurtured. It’s human nature to gain affiliation. The essence of existence is love. Love can exist in many different forms, such as that which unites a spouse, sister and brother, couple or friend, or girlfriend and boyfriend. Everything is materialistic in the absence of love. It makes us feel special and provides happiness and fulfillment. Love brings eternal happiness. Love shouldn’t be pursued by desire, envy, or greed. It is in our nature as humans to love and be loved. In a Hierarchy of Needs given by Maslow, also highlighted the sense of love and Belonginess.

Emotional Support:

Often, there are circumstances when we feel alone and it looks like nobody around you can resolve the issue, then we tend to rest our head upon other’s shoulder to whom we trust, to whom we know that the person will give comfort and stand like a wall even though the world is against you, to whom we love.

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Why do we tend to fall in love?

There are factors which govern an individual to fall in love.

  • Similarity: One of the most important determinants found to be “similarity “, People are drawn to others who are similar to them, according to the similarity-attraction hypothesis. These commonalities manifest as attitudes, cultural origins, shared values and beliefs, and even seemingly insignificant characteristics like posture.
  • Reciprocal Liking: You are more likely to like someone back just by knowing that they find you attractive or like you.
  • Desirability: This occurs when a person’s personal taste, standards, and values make them think that the physical and personality traits of another person are attractive.
  • Proximity: This word, which describes feeling close to or familiar with someone else, is excellent. This gets worse when people live close to one another in real life, spend time together, think about each other, or even plan to interact in the future. Proximity refers to the nearness. It’s different from Intimacy. Proximity thus bears Intimacy in the future.
  • Physical attractiveness: Studies indicate that physical appearance is the main factor influencing romantic attraction. People are more drawn to partners who they think are physically beautiful when they are first starting dating. Physical appearance is more highly valued by males than by women.
  • Biological Factors: Dopamine and oxytocin release are two chemicals that are linked to strong romantic sentiments.The “love hormone,” oxytocin, rises during close encounters and strengthens emotional ties. The brain’s reward system is activated by the release of dopamine, which results in the “motivation/reward” effect. This is when love’s “addiction” component enters the picture. Even in the face of potentially harmful or unpleasant challenges (such as an unfaithful spouse), we strive for the fulfillment of love.

Components of first love

  • Excitement: There is always a kind of curiosity and excitement while exercising or to get involved in new things. There is an eagerness, excitement and thrill associated with experiencing love for the first time.
  • Exploration: Love is not limited to one’s caste, creed or religion or age. First love aids individuals to explore throughout the area. Individual with love explores mutual interest, values to build a deeper connection.
  • Emotional Intensity: Often, first relationships contribute to highlightment of the feelings thus creating unique and powerful experiences.

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Is First love, Unforgettable?

Considering this information, we may remember the sensation of falling in love for the first time and going through all of these hormonal ups and downs, only to have it all taken away when the relationship ends. Although heartbreak is a complicated and emotional experience, no heartbreak affects you quite way the first one does. In the three months following the end of a relationship, 71% of people may recover from a breakup, per a 2017 study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology.

It’s difficult to fully forget your first love, no matter how much time has passed or how many relationships you’ve had since then. A person’s life can change when they fall in love for the first time. It can be quite upsetting to have all of that end when it’s the first time you’ve ever felt that way about someone. You’re not alone if you’re wondering how to move on from your first love, even years later. Relationship specialists claim that there are explanations for why your first love is so special. It offers more than just an exciting new universe.

Along with physical firsts like your first kiss or relationship firsts like learning how to compromise or argue appropriately, your first love typically brings with it other new milestones. Since this person contributed to some of your own development, you will always remember these moments, according to Schiff. “First loves typically also symbolize youth or a simpler, younger period of life, which most people long to return to.”

It can be difficult to let go of someone when it’s your first experience with them. Your first love genuinely affects your brain, according to researchers.

Also Read: Why Love is Important?

Reasons why we should never forget our first love

The First love was Innocent:

The majority of people had innocent first loves. They didn’t manipulate it, and it frequently evolved naturally over time. You weren’t attempting to accomplish it; it just happened. It appears even more unique because there is no ulterior aim or intention.We have a clear idea of what we want from our first love and what we want from the relationship that follows. As we look for something to return us to those original feelings we experienced, we could put extra strain on these connections. We may behave differently as a result and deliberately seek out that kind of connection once more.

Feeling of “us”:

Even though you may have previously identified as a couple, your first love is frequently the first time you truly experienced a sense of belonging to a “we” or a “us.” This might be the first time that you have chosen what was best for your relationship rather than for yourself. When presented with a choice, you might have even given the other person’s ideas, opinions, or feelings more weight than your own, sacrificing some of your preferences in favor of theirs.

In summary, love is essential because it gives life purpose. You may apply many of the principles it teaches you to your own life. First love is something that hardly anyone can forget about.

  • PsychologyToday
  • Social Psychology By Baron
  • The Guardian Report.


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