Incantations Vs. Affirmations: The Power of Words in Shaping Beliefs

Incantations Vs. Affirmations: The Power of Words in Shaping Beliefs

Incantations Vs. Affirmations

“With incantations, you don’t just speak it, you EMBODY what you’re saying… and you do it with enough repetitions that it STICKS”

Tony Robbins

What are Incantations?

Incantations are similar to positive affirmations, but they involve a more physiological and physical approach. Incantations are powerful, really intense, and emotional affirmations that are accompanied by physical gestures, such as clapping, jumping, foot stomping, punching the air, etc. The physical movement that is involved in incantations makes them way more effective than traditional positive affirmations which are more like robotic affirming.

Think of it as making a specific, large physical gesture with each word or sentence. This further seeps the messages and emotions into your body, making them more real mentally, emotionally, and physically. Incantations are often used by athletes, entrepreneurs, and high achievers to increase confidence and motivation. They are designed to evoke an emotional response that spurs action and helps overcome fear and self-doubt. They somewhat work like mantras and are an effective way to build a positive attitude, increase motivation, and achieve your goals.

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Physicality of Incantations

The physicality involved in incantations is what makes them unique from traditional affirmations. Physical gestures and the emotional intensity that accompany them can help evoke a powerful emotional response that reinforces a positive message. It may vary depending on the person and situation. Common gestures include clapping, punching, jumping up and down, and standing with arms raised. The physical gestures should be strong and deliberate enough to create a physical sensation in the body.

The emotional intensity associated with the is also very important. The affirmations need to be repeated with passion and conviction to evoke a strong emotional response. Emotional responses can help reinforce the positive message and create a deeper connection with the affirmation. To create subtle changes in your internal and external energies, you need to call upon something within yourself or more like invoke something within.

According to counseling psychologist Karnika Singh, positive affirmations play a crucial role in grounding us during times of intensity and unpredictability. They serve as a reminder to our bodies to breathe and calm down. Our minds often struggle with uncertainty, magnifying worries that manifest physically, leading to increased stress and activating our fight-or-flight responses.

Moreover, affirmations contribute to shaping a healthier belief system about ourselves, others, and the world around us. They help us recognize and tap into our potential, fostering self-confidence and resilience.

While affirmations may initially seem insincere or trite, consistent practice allows us to identify those that truly resonate with us. This practice provides us with a broader perspective on the moment, reminding us that emotions are temporary and helping us maintain emotional equilibrium. Additionally, incorporating affirmations can enhance self-awareness and promote a positive mindset, reinforcing psychological well-being.

What are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations are phrases that you repeatedly tell yourself to rewire your subconscious mind. These are effective strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs, increasing confidence, and improving your overall well-being. Positive affirmations have their foundation on the concepts of positive psychology, which emphasizes the positive parts of life over the bad.

Positive affirmations replace negative self-talk with positive, motivating statements. Negative self-talk is frequently the outcome of limiting beliefs that we learn over time. These views can be shaped by our childhoods, experiences, and surroundings. Although these ideas might be difficult to change, positive affirmations can assist in shifting your mentality and generate a more positive outlook.

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Neural Mechanisms of Affirmation

When threatened, self-affirmations can restore self-competence by allowing individuals to reflect on various sources of self-worth, such as core values etc. An analysis revealed that when participants were affirmed (compared to unaffirmed participants), they showed increased activity in key regions of the brain’s self-processing (medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex) and valuation (ventral striatum and ventral medial prefrontal cortex) systems when reflecting on future-oriented core values.

These results highlight neural processes associated with successful self-affirmation and further suggest that key routes may be increased in connection with anticipation.

A study was made to assess both within and between-person relationships of spontaneous self-affirmations, coping skills, and well-being, changing for threat intensity and other outcomes. It was found that spontaneous self-affirmations positively predicted positive affect at both within and between-person levels, and eudaimonic(the type of happiness or contentment that is achieved through self-actualization and having a meaningful purpose in one’s life) well-being at the between-person level. Overall, spontaneous self-affirmations were positively associated with individuals actively confronting challenges and aspects of well-being.

According to Psychologist Meenakshi Kanwar, positive affirmations, are very much important in life because They give us a lot of motivation. Until and unless we don’t have affirmations to make, we will never be hopeful of a bright future for us. And the best time to make affirmations is in the morning.

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Positive affirmations and incantations are two very effective tools for personal growth and well-being. These can help you reprogram your subconscious mind, overcome limiting beliefs, and create a more positive mindset. The physicality associated with them makes them particularly effective, creating a powerful emotional response that reinforces the positive message. There is scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of positive affirmations and incantations for personal well-being, self-confidence, and personal growth. When practiced regularly, positive affirmations and incantations can help improve self-esteem, reduce stress and anxiety, increase motivation, and improve overall happiness. So start incorporating positive affirmations and mantras/incantations into your daily life and see what positive impact they have on your life.


Cascio, Christopher N et al. “Self-affirmation activates brain systems associated with self-related processing and reward and is reinforced by future orientation.” Social cognitive and affective neuroscience vol. 11,4 (2016): 621-9. doi:10.1093/scan/nsv136

Dutcher, Janine M et al. “Neural mechanisms of self-affirmation’s stress buffering effects.” Social cognitive and affective neuroscience vol. 15,10 (2020): 1086-1096. doi:10.1093/scan/nsaa042


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