How to Successfully Transition to a New Job: According to Experts

How to Successfully Transition to a New Job: According to Experts


Transition refers to a transformation from one entity to another or the mere process of change. People take time to swiftly adapt to their new circumstances and this adjustment might come with numerous challenges. Moreover, cognitive dissonance prevails when people who are resistant to change in their lives try to switch their jobs. People often expect new jobs to offer benefits or fulfil their desires, whether it’s more challenging tasks, flexible work hours, or better pay. In addition, transitioning to a new job requires careful planning, thoughtful consideration, and sound decision-making.

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Useful steps before Transition:

  • Exploration: This is a process where one identifies what drives them, or what they are truly passionate about. Furthermore, one needs to align their new job prospect’s remuneration with their desired lifestyle, as the two need to be congruent. Additionally, individuals need to recognise their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Upgrading skills: Individuals may choose to engage in courses to improve both their soft and hard skills. Moreover, once individuals figure out which job profile they are interested in, they can fill the skill gaps necessary for that particular role.
  • Setting attainable goals: Goals should be specific, clearly defined, attainable and measurable. According to the Porter-Lawler theory, the value of reward and the perceived probability that the effort will lead to a reward determines the performance of an individual. Furthermore, the performance of an individual depends upon the skills and traits they exhibit which are competent with their role in the organization, thus leading to goal attainment and hence satisfaction.

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  • Self-branding and marketing: Individuals indulge in self-presentation tactics which involve behaviours and actions made by them to influence how others view them. Strategic or tactical self-presentation occurs when individuals seek to create a desired image or invoke a desired response from others. It has tangible and social benefits.
  • Job application documents: One’s resume should be consistent with the particular organization’s format. When one does not update their resume or cover letter according to the changing hiring trends, it might lead to rejection of the same. Thus, how one presents and depicts themselves in an industrial setting while hiring, is when half of the battle is won.
  • Hunting for the right role: Conventional job searching may disadvantage you if your qualifications don’t align perfectly on paper, but networking opens doors by enabling you to build direct connections with professionals. Moreover, the cliché prevails – the network is net worth, as these professionals one comes across while networking, aid in providing valuable insights about the job profile and vacancies.

Useful steps after Transition:

  • Impression management: Individuals engage in self-promotion, one of the self-presentation tactics used in abundance in work settings. People often highlight their achievements to shape how others perceive them in the way they desire. Moreover, one needs to appear approachable and have a positive demeanour by their colleagues to facilitate peer interaction.
  • Structure your routine: A new working environment comes with the challenges of various team meetings and schedules. Thus, curating a timetable and allocating specific time intervals for various tasks helps improve one’s efficiency.
  • Organization’s work culture and ethics: Hierarchy, delegation of authority, company policies and norms might intimidate a new employee but embracing the same is crucial for one’s success.
  • Building relationships: Engaging in self-presentation tactics offers social and tangible benefits. As a result, one indulges in actions that are desirable in certain situations to connect with others, develop a sense of belonging and attune to the needs of colleagues.
  • Communication sources: Formal channels of communication are structured chains used in the favor of the organization. It can be either in an upward (subordinates to superiors) direction or in a downward (superiors to subordinates) direction. Whereas, informal channels help build positive relationships in work settings and foster trust and resilience.

Challenges that arise during transition:

  • Lacking vision: The new role comes with responsibilities one needs to fulfil, it might lead to anxiety due to the lack of clarity regarding the purpose and goals of the new job. Additionally, poor coordination between units in the organization, lack of effective communication and failure to demarcate specific roles and responsibilities among the stakeholders lead to conflicts and further reinforce anxiety. Therefore, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what the new job expects from you along with constant supervision and feedback.
  • Resisting change: Individuals who fear they won’t meet the demands of a new job, feel incompetent, or struggle with low self-esteem and motivation may resist change, making the transition to a new role challenging for them. Moreover, setting attainable goals becomes a crucial step in preventing individuals from feeling inadequate for the role. As one can neither predict nor plan their outcomes, one needs to celebrate their accomplishments and embrace their failures to improve.
  • Insufficient resources: Resources in terms of money, time and technology, if not allocated adequately prevent an individual from reaching their potential and often lead to errors and delays. Thus, proper resource allocation and optimization are necessary. Furthermore, transparency needs to be maintained across the organization to foster trust and loyalty of the employee thereby improving employee retention rates.

According to Psychologist Shweta Badgujar, Getting a new job can be a bittersweet experience, you will feel happy at one point and stressed at another. Transition to a new job after a break can be challenging. You see a new place, new faces, different cultures & behaviours and different responsibilities. To check the challenges, you can

  1. Do prior homework for your workplace, visit the place
  2. Pack wisely and keep it short
  3. Don’t change your routine completely, do it slowly to adjust
  4. Adjustment to a new place can be hectic, so take help from a few localities
  5. Stress will hit suddenly, ask for professional help
  6. Physical health can be affected, so keep important medicines that you often take
  7. Keep family members close in the beginning

Along with challenges, you also get the opportunity to explore yourself in an entirely new environment. Try to enjoy the cuisines, and culture and visit local places to understand the workplace. This Job transition is not easy but it is worth your growth.

Transitioning to a new job can be a challenging time for an individual, often requiring support from loved ones. Offering empathy, encouragement, and love helps boost their motivation and ease the stress and anxiety that comes with adapting to a new workplace. Additionally, creating schedules, practising active listening, and building new work relationships contribute to a smoother and more effective transition into a new job.

References +
  • What are the most common challenges in transition management? (n.d.).
  • Liu, J. (2022, September 5). How to successfully transition to a new career when you have limited experience. Joseph Liu – Speaker & Career Consultant.
  • (7) 10 tips for a successful Job Transition | LinkedIn. (2022, September 1).
  • How to succeed quickly in a new role. (2021, November 10). Harvard Business Review.

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