How love emotions impact our brain?
Relationship Self Help

How love emotions impact our brain?

love emotions

The one of the most challenging and beautiful feelings that anyone may experience is love. It is a feeling which is different for each and every person. It is the combo of physical, emotional, social, psychological, cognitive as well as spiritual elements. Moreover, the definition of what love means to them differ from person to person. Love is a strong and the multifaceted emotional experience which includes the transformations in your body chemistry, especially the neurotransmitters. It has an impact on the social interactions, how an individual interact with others and themselves with others around them.

Love: A complex emotion

Love is described as an intense sense of strong affection by the American Psychological Association. It is difficult to explain love in specific terms. Love is characterized by the psychologists as a complex combination of emotions, cognitive processes as well as behavioral tendencies. It involves a wide range of feelings that ranges from the intense desire of a romantic attraction to the everlasting love of family-ties. It is a strong feeling of sympathy, devotion or affection towards a human being or a subject or an object. Individuals get pleasure when they are with someone whom they love and become sensitive how the other person about them in return.

Also Read: Interesting psychology behind first love

Love components

An American psychologist, Robert Sternberg postulated the triangular theory of love. This theory suggested that love has three components: intimacy (emotional), commitment (cognitive), passion (physical). As per this theory, each domain resembles to the each corner of a triangle.


The most important aspect of every relationship is intimacy. It makes us able to be vulnerable, feel being connected to, as well as trust our companions. Yet, establishing intimacy might be challenging, particularly when you are not sure from where to begin. To cultivate more intimacy, there are some tips to maintain intimacy among a relationship: stay in touch by communication, express gratitude for each other’s desires and needs, give proper attention to your companion etc,.


Another essential element is passion. Yet it is not easy to achieve always. It could be a mental or physical bond among two individuals and also be a struggle to restart after a long time. Following tips can help to spark one’s passion: be expressive with each other, spend time apart etc.

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Despite it might be the hardest quality to maintain, commitment seems to be the most natural aspect of each and every relationship. For the everlasting bond, it may be required from both partners to stay dedicated and also make sacrifices when there is need for a relationship to continue. For long lasting bond and commitment, here are some tips: being honest, stay in a proper connection, give proper time to each other etc.

Impact of love on brain

The brain’s reward circuit – activates certain areas during love experience, has a vital role in cultivating deep emotional bonds as well as improving trust. Oxytocin is a love hormone which is a crucial element in this process and it strengthens trust and interpersonal bonding. Brain also releases hormones of both stress and reward – dopamine, norepinephrine, and cortisol. The release of these hormones leads to pleasure or joy. For survival of humans bonding is crucial and stable relationships support mental stability, decrease stress, as well as improve well-being.

Studies reveal that individuals who are in stable relationships generally live longer in comparison to single individuals across demographic groups. Increased intimacy as well as emotional connections can lower the signs and symptoms of depression; improve the functioning of immune system, and cardiovascular health. Knowing about the psychological components of love can help in forming healthier and more meaningful relationships. It also allows individuals to better navigate as well as express their love as they grow and learn in relationships.

Also Read: Self-love as a form of Self-discipline

Benefits of loving someone

  • Provide both emotional support and companionship.
  • Fosters the feelings of happiness, security as well as the feeling of fulfillment.
  • Help in lowering blood pressure.
  • Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Improvement of immune system.
  • Reduction of stress and also promote relaxation.
  • Positive and strong social interaction.
  • Improve resilience.
  • Encourages empathy, compassion, as well as altruism.
  • Encourages the acts of kindness, generosity, as well as selflessness.

Also Read: The psychology of animal lovers

Decrease of stress and anxiety

It is said that love comforts the human brain and decreases the level of both stress and anxiety. Physical contact as well as intimate relationships stimulate the production of the neurochemicals like oxytocin, and it balance the stress response in the body. It results in the decline of cortisol, which is the main hormone that is connected to stress, feelings of safety, relaxation, as well as comfort. Presence of the loved ones might lead to the reduction of hazardous impacts of stress on human body and brain by fostering the sense of both security and certainity.



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