How Fake Emotions Are used For Manipulation?

How Fake Emotions Are used For Manipulation?

A person standing with mask

Emotion is a multifaceted experience of awareness, physical feeling, and action that expresses how something, an occasion, or a situation personally affects the individual. All the sentiments that impact men’s assessments and are accompanied by either pleasure or misery are referred to be emotions. Such are the opposites of sympathy, fear, rage, and similar emotions. A vast range of significant psychological phenomena falls under the umbrella of the concept of emotion, which is in fact diverse. When it comes to a single person, thing, or circumstance, some emotions are quite special. Others are highly all-encompassing, like pleasure, happiness, or melancholy. Some feelings, like a momentary flush of shame or a flash of rage, are very fleeting and scarcely conscious.

Fake emotions

When individuals communicate emotionally, they may display fake positive or negative emotions in an effort to enhance or stifle their real feelings. An unreal feeling is the outcome of a calculated decision. Although the feeling might not be there then, it occasionally has persuasive power. Fake emotions are widespread in daily life, but the study on them is currently inconsistent, and there are still some disagreements on their interpersonal effects and underlying mechanisms.  The emotive response of the emotion receivers and the internal process of “speculating others’ emotions by their own standard” are two linked systems.


The definition of manipulation is “skilful action by hand” that includes moving, operating, changing, stirring, directing, and editing objects in your surroundings. It has evolved to mean controlling and manipulating a situation deftly to further your own objectives.

The act of manipulating people by engaging in cunning actions intended to dominate and exploit them carries a number of negative meanings. Think of it as mind control—using emotional and psychological strategies to covertly, deceitfully, or even abusively manipulate or alter someone’s view or behaviour. Because manipulation is usually done in a way that hides the manipulator’s goal, most individuals are not aware they are being manipulated. It is utilising power improperly to further one’s own interests at the detriment of others.

Surface acting

Simply said, it is often simpler to repress your thoughts and follow the crowd’s lead than to speak your mind at a pub or at a business meeting.

The technique is known as “surface acting” by psychologists. According to Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD, writing for Psychology Today, “Surface acting refers to the type of emotional communication that involves hiding your true feelings while you put on a false front.”

“Normally, when you’re surface acting, you’re attempting to hide unpleasant feelings like rage or annoyance because expressing them might put you in danger. In spite of annoying by how consumers are treating them, it’s normal for service or sales professionals to maintain a grin or cheerful tone.

According to research from West Virginia University, surface acting, in particular, is linked to detrimental results for both the individual and the workplace, including worsened physical health, lower levels of well-being, poorer job performance, and lower levels of job satisfaction.

Signs of someone is faking
  • The person’s emotional response is inappropriate given the circumstances.
  • You sense that the conversation is “off” in some way.
  • Small expressions of tension might be heard in the person’s speech or face.
  • The representation of a specific feeling has benefits.
  • You observe the person starting to lose interest.
Manipulating through fake emotions

One kind of emotional abuse is emotional manipulation, in which the offender tries to emotionally dominate or persuade the victim in a way that benefits them. Emotional manipulation is a regular occurrence in toxic or abusive relationships.

When someone wants to control another person and resorts to dishonest or exploitative means to do so, they are engaging in emotional manipulation. People in good relationships don’t want to be used, controlled, or victimised, but emotional manipulators do.

How to recognise it?
  • Creating guilt in you
  • Bullying
  • Gaslighting
  • Making Use of Insecurities
  • Threatening to distribute items
  • Making You Look Bad
  • Terrorising
  • Playing you off another person
  • Dishonesty & Lies
  • Love bombing
  • Applying the silent approach
  • Making an argument about themselves
  • Criticism
  • Demands
  • Giving you the impression that you and they are “against the world”
Effects of emotional manipulation
  • Surprise and perplexity
  • Considering oneself
  • Angst and alertness
  • Being non-active
  • Guilt and shame
  • Keeping the eyes closed
  • Balancing on thin ice
  • Loneliness and numbness
  • Requiring consent
  • Resentful feeling
  • Overzealous judgement
  • Both anxiety and depression
Dealing with emotional manipulation
  • Define boundaries.
  • Watch for patterns.
  • Speak with a dependable friend or relative.
  • Consider counselling or therapy
  • Embrace your instincts.
  • Speak with a domestic violence hotline

A significant kind of emotional abuse is emotional manipulation. Examine these symptoms to see whether you have ever been the victim of repeated manipulation. Although it may be difficult to identify, you can manage it and heal efficiently with the correct help and abilities.


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