How does the Green Color Impact your Emotions and Behaviour?
Life Style

How does the Green Color Impact your Emotions and Behaviour?


Everybody knows that the green colour is linked with nature, growth and harmony. The green colour is known to denote balance and renewal, such as the visual of a lush green forest rejuvenation our souls. Colors hold a lot of power. It has a direct correlation with your energy and emotions. Vibrant colours are known to evoke a positive, energetic version of you whereas Dull shades or darker shades tend to evoke opposite emotions and energy.

Colours have been holding an important place in our lives. For anything that you buy today, you begin by picking the colour of that item first. It’s because colours affect us. Colours are a great way to show what we resonate with, what is our aura and what we project through our personality.

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Let us know how the green colour affects our emotions behaviours and perceptions.

  • Nature and growth: we have learnt to associate green with nature since our childhood. From our kindergarten, we were taught about the environment, recycling and the importance of sustainability and they were all depicted using the color green. It is also known to symbolise growth fertility and renewal. It’s the colour of nature that is known to bring serenity and freshness to our lives. 
  • Harmony and balance: Green colour brings a sense of calmness and harmony around us. It is known to evoke a sort of balance and stability. It has been soothing. Interior designers tend to pick this to instil peace in the environment. 
  • Health and healing: We often see shades of green being used in the healthcare sector a lot. People tend to believe that this colour plays a role in fostering healing energy, bringing calming effects, and enabling patients to recover faster and better. 
  • Versatility: Green comes in various shades ranging from deep forest greens to bright lime ones. It’s every shade awakens a different vibration within our bodies. It’s the darker shades that are known for stability and endurance while lighter ones are known for freshness and growth. 
  • Symbolism: The green colour is a sign of prosperity, luck and abundance. Even in Indian culture green is linked to fortune and wealth. This can be seen in other traditions too. 

Read More: How Do Colors Affect Our Emotions and Behavior?

Colour Psychology 

As said earlier we are very much involved with colors in our lives. It holds a special place and makes a huge difference. Colours are known to trigger some emotions and feelings within us. Warm colours such as red and orange are known to evoke passion and cool colors like blue and green are used to signify calmness and tranquillity. 

  • Marketing and branding: You must be aware of the colour trends in building brands. People give utter importance to what their brand resonates with and whether the user is being influenced by the vibe of the brand or not. For example: Fast food brands tend to use Red and yellow as it is known to trigger appetite and hunger such as McDonald’s. 
  • Therapeutic applications: there is this interesting concept I came across, called chromotherapy. It’s sort of a healing technique where they use colours to encourage physical and mental well-being. 
  • Environmental influences: Every colour that we are surrounded by contributes something to our mood and behaviour. When you go to any restaurant, the warm and inviting colours and decor are meant to make you feel welcome and at peace to enjoy your meals. In contrast, cool tones in your workplace ensure productivity and focus.
  • Personal preference: Our unique experiences and respective cultural backgrounds influence our ways of perceiving colours around us. We may give different meanings to a particular colour and associate it differently with our memories.

Today every profession is trying to make the most of color psychology, prioritizing their art of making an impact on their customers, trying to be creative as well as interactive.

The Color Green: A Brief History 

There is a whole lot to green, that you may not know. Let’s get into it 

  • Chinese culture: There in Chinese culture, they see green as the symbol of Harmony, growth, and prosperity. They associate this colour with nature and also believe that this colour brings good fortune. People in China use this colour in their art and decor designs to showcase a sense of balance and vitality. 
  • Environmental movement: In the modern era, people as a group have given the green colour an identity which they tend to use to spread environmental awareness and a message to promote sustainability. Several organisations and groups use green colour to encourage eco-friendly products and activities as consumers connect green colour with nature. 
  • Ancient Egypt: Talking about ancient Egypt, people there take green as the symbol of fertility and rebirth. Their god Siris, who is known for resurrection and the symbol of the afterlife, was mostly shown as having a green face. The colour green is also known to be associated with the Nile River. 
  • Irish culture: Irish people tend to associate this colour with their national identity and pride. They believe that the colour green symbolises the luscious landscapes of Ireland, for them, it’s sort of a symbol of hope and the spirit of Irish people. 
  • European Middle Ages: In the European Middle Ages, the colour green was associated with nature, witchcraft and fairies and so it was believed to be an otherworldly colour. 
  • Islamic culture: we all know that in Islamic culture, green is known to be a sacred colour, as it’s linked to paradise, vegetation and life. 

Biological effects of green 

  • Calming and relaxing: people believe that green colour brings a sense of calmness and it is a relaxing colour. It is known to soothe your mind and body. This colour contributes a lot to reducing stress and anxiety and holds a positive aura. 
  • Hope: The colour green Brings a sense of hope and abundance. It’s considered a symbol of the cycle of life. The journey from seedlings sprouting, giving rise to luscious greenery thriving. This colour evokes a sense of optimism, progress, and growth. 
  • Refreshing and invigorating: The green colour holds a refreshing element to it. It is said to bring a sense of rejuvenation to our body and mind. It’s suggested to add green to our surroundings to promote hope, wellness abundance and growth in our lives.

Colours have the strength to uplift your life and bring abundance to your life. Be wise about colours, learning about colour psychology can be of great help to your career as well as your personal life. It gives a sense of meaning to everything. Pour some positivity in your lives with the colour green.

References +
  • (PDF) psychological effects of colour. (n.d.-q).
  • (PDF) colour green and sustainable consumption behaviour: A self-expansion perspective. (n.d.-k).
  • Briki, W., & Majed, L. (2019, February 12). Adaptive effects of seeing green environment on psychophysiological parameters when walking or running. Frontiers in psychology.
  • Kendra, Admin, Patricia, Elaine, Taylor, P., Jennings, P., Merlisa, Getachew, Sharon, Mike, Joe, Carole, Rowlandson, S., Tammy, Takiey?, Sahu, G., Ervin, J., & Dee. (2024, March 4). Green color psychology, symbolism and meaning. Color Psychology.

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