Higher educational institutions will have to spread awareness about Tele-MANAS helpline: UGC

Higher educational institutions will have to spread awareness about Tele-MANAS helpline: UGC


The University Grants Commission (UGC) of India is a statutory body that monitors and promotes higher education in the country. It was established by an Act of Parliament in 1956 and is administered by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The main objective of UGC is to ensure the maintenance of standards and improvement of quality in higher education institutions across India. UGC plays an important role in the development of the higher education environment in India. Its activities aim to improve the quality of education, promote research, and promote equitable access to higher education opportunities throughout the country. Over the years, we have actively participated in various initiatives and reforms aimed at improving the education structure in India.

The University Grants Commission has directed all higher education institutions to sensitize students about the availability of toll-free mental health helplines.

The Committee, in a circular addressed to all University Vice-Chancellors, notes that the Ministry of Health’s Tele-MANAS Mental Health Helpline has functioned commendably well since its inauguration. He pointed out that further improvements are necessary to become popular among the masses. The Committee asked that higher education institutions publicize and publicly spread the fact that the Tele MANAS hotline is free and open 24 hours a day.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare established the Tele Mental Health Assurance and Networking (Tele MANAS) program on World Mental Health Day, 2022. The initiative intends to give 24-hour support and help to those with mental health issues.

Evolution of Mental Health Support in Colleges

College students now face a confusing collection of obstacles, ranging from homework, relationships, and adjusting to campus life to economic strain, social injustice, mass violence, and many sorts of loss.

As a result, school officials are beginning to think outside the box about how to assist. Group therapy, peer counseling, and telehealth are among the ways being implemented by institutions around the country. They are also better educating professors and staff to identify and support students in distress, as well as reconsidering how to respond to crises. Many colleges are also exploring methods to include a larger wellness culture into their policies, programs, and daily campus life.

To prevent students from falling through the gaps, schools are allocating more resources to rapid access and evaluation, so students can walk in for a same-day intake or single counseling session rather than sitting on a waitlist for weeks or months. Following an evaluation, many schools implement a stepped-care model, in which the most vulnerable pupils receive the most intensive care.

Students with mental health concerns:

Students who are struggling to meet academic obligations, for example, may benefit from sessions on stress, sleep, time management, and goal-setting. Those who are mourning the loss of a regular college experience as a result of the pandemic, as well as those dealing with adjustment concerns such as loneliness, low self-esteem, or interpersonal conflict, are ideal candidates for peer counseling. Meanwhile, students with more serious issues, such as disordered eating, trauma from a sexual assault, or depression, can still have one-on-one sessions with professional counselors.

Schools are striving to change the narrative about what mental health care on campus looks like as they transition away from dependence solely on individual therapy. Scofield believes it is critical to manage student and family expectations soon after (or even before) enrollment. For example, most counseling centers will not be able to give unlimited weekly sessions throughout a student’s college career—and those who require that level of help will most likely benefit from a referral to a community therapist.

  • Abrams, Z. (n.d.). Student mental health is in crisis. Campuses are rethinking their approach. https://www.apa.org. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2022/10/mental-health-campus-care
  • http/fhei.ugc.ac.in.


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