“Health of Youth Wealth of Nation”: Ministry of Health

“Health of Youth Wealth of Nation”: Ministry of Health

Our youth is our pride. And it is important to keep our pride healthy not only physically but also mentally. For this India introduced regional consultation under the G20 delegation. So youth of Kashmir and Guwahati get ready to make your voice heard and participate in this conversation.

What is G20

G20 refers to Group of 20 including 19 countries and the European Union. It is the premier forum for international economic cooperation. It aimed to discuss various economic and social issues of these countries and also increase social integration. This year the presidency of G20 was given to India.

About Health of Youth Wealth of India

Being a part of the G20 Presidency, India invited 17 international delegates from G20 countries to Kashmir and Guwahati. This initiative was introduced to give a platform to youth to discuss their mental health and well-being. Today i.e. on 16TH May youth of Kashmir and Guwahati are asked to come together at a center so as to discuss their mental health and well-being. This initiative gives the youth an opportunity to open up about their mental health issues and distress and look for ways to enhance their overall well-being.

So youth who are residing in Kashmir and Guwahati grab this opportunity and make the most of it.

Benefits of this program

Feeling of Inclusion: When youth will discuss their problem and will know about other’s problems as well, they will get a feeling that they are not alone and other are too facing a lot of problems. This will motivate them to get better and increase their life satisfaction.

Improvement in Government Programs: When youth will discuss their problem and will give details about the issues they face in society, government agencies can get an idea about what steps are to be taken to resolve their concerns and issues by developing programs and initiatives for them

Remove Social Stigma: This initiative is one of the most important responses to remove the stigma about mental health as when everybody discusses about their problem and gets open about it society will realize that they have been stigmatized towards mental health and it can bring change in their already developed prejudice.


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