If only things could have been different, but Alas…
Mistreatment and abuse of the aged may be a major social drawback. Needless to say, with the biology of aging, the aged generally become physically frail. This frailty renders them dependent on others for care—sometimes for little desires like chores, and generally for help with basic functions like eating and using the lavatory. In contrast to a toddler, who rely on others for care, an elder is an adult with a lifetime of experience, knowledge, and opinions—a more fully developed person. This makes the care-providing situation even more complex.
Elder abuse happens once a caretaker by choice deprives an older person of care or harms the person in his or her charge. Caregivers can also be members of the family, relatives, friends, health professionals, or staff of senior housing or medical care. The aged is also subject to several differing types of abuse. As individuals enter old age, they face challenges like aging, which involves stereotyping and discrimination against the elderly, which leads to misconceptions about their abilities. Although financial conditions amongst the aged have been rising for many years, still the aged individuals are also stricken by the 2008 recession. Some aged individuals grow physically frail and therefore, dependent on their caregivers, that will increase their risk of abuse and mistreatment.Â
 Type of Abuse and their Signs and Symptoms
- Physical abuse: Bruises, untreated wounds, sprains, broken glasses, lab findings of medication overdose
- Sexual abuse: Bruises around breasts or genitals, torn or bloody underclothing, unexplained venereal disease
- Emotional/psychological abuse: Being upset or withdrawn, unusual dementia-like behavior (rocking, sucking)
- Neglect: Poor hygiene, untreated bed sores, dehydration, soiled bedding
- Financial: Sudden changes in banking practices, inclusion of additional names on bank cards, abrupt changes to will
- Self-neglect: Untreated medical conditions, unclean living area, lack of medical items like dentures or glasses Ever since the coronavirus created its entry in late 2019 across the globe, the aged within the age of sixty and over are repeatedly suggested to self-isolate and keep inside so as to safeguard themselves from getting infected.

The Coronavirus is kind of a sweet virus as a result of it providing all of us a buy one get one offer without any kind of charge, don’t simply suffer with physical health problems take a complimentary mental state issue specifically for the aged. The problem developed slowly as the restrictions and social isolation protocols extended and continued to a limit that people began to assume that there would be no end to such a situation. Â
Social isolation is related to the development of mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. Though physical distancing and isolation are important to restrict the spread of COVID, the results of each ought to be monitored and cared-for, therefore on forestall development of psychological state amongst the aged individuals. The elderly rely on social connection more than most and they need it now more than ever. The senior and retired generally want an assist and they conjointly typically ought to have individuals around them. With India practicing a nationwide lockdown and social distancing vulnerable seniors could be feeling more alone than usual.
Although several people may claim to be within the acceptable state of health, the aged are at a larger risk of developing mental state problems even through the traditional course of your time. Whereas this risk isn’t plain directed to the years post-retirement, stress experienced by the senior citizens might be specific, like the loss in functional abilities in the current pandemic situation, reduced mobility, deterioration of general health, and rise of health issues that sometimes need long-run care.
The coronavirus brings in further challenges, particularly once it involves the mental state of the aged. It’s not about the probability of getting infected with the virus that presents a risk to their mental state, however, altered mental standing may end up becoming an initial sign of Covid-19 within the aged, albeit there’s the absence of metabolic process symptoms or fever. As several have noted, considerations concerning the aged obtaining infection aren’t figures of speech. Their immune system being on the weaker side, puts them to greater risk. They are more prone to developing pneumonia. There’s a higher probability of the respiratory organ being affected to a bigger extent, i.e. infection spreading to multiple lobes of the lungs, in aged patients compared to young and old patients. Pre-existing diseases could additionally increase the danger (either catching the virus, or making the outcome even worse).
The importance of documenting the myriad ways in which Covid-19 can have an effect on Indians, of varied age teams and economic standing, cannot be immoderate. Feelings of loneliness and being socially isolated rank high on the list of risk factors for poor mental and physical health. Isolation will cause health effects like redoubled incidence of depression, anxiety symptoms, and psychological feature decline, which might survive the length of isolation itself. Thus, it becomes necessary at this point to deal with social isolation within the aged by finding ways to supply support and emotional affiliation in conjunction with long time care. We desperately need an in-depth studies in the nation to estimate the impact of the COVID-19 on India’s senior citizens and alternative vulnerable groups. Additional information through such studies can enable us to develop evidence-based interventions and policies to deal with mental state considerations within the aged.
Aging comes with several challenges. The loss of independence is one potential part of the method, as diminished ability and age discrimination. The term senescence refers to the aging method, as well as biological, emotional, intellectual, social, and religious changes. This section discusses a number of the challenges we tend to encounter throughout this method.
During this situation it is extremely important to give extra attention and care to the elderly so as to make sure their physical as well as mental health is in proper shape. Keeping in mind the uncertainty over the isolation period it is necessary that we take the possible steps to take care of them.
Hope we all try to do so.
As already discovered, some older adults stay extremely independent, whereas others need additional care. As a result of the aged not holding jobs or enough financial gain, finances become a challenge. Thanks to cultural misconceptions, older individuals are targets of ridicule and stereotypes. The aged face several challenges in later a part of their life, however they do not essentially need to enter old age while not in dignity.
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