England vs India: What are the Psychological Dynamics in Test Matches?

England vs India: What are the Psychological Dynamics in Test Matches?

Test Match

A four-match Test series is running between India and England (England vs India). It’s currently happening at the JSCA International Stadium Complex in Ranchi, India. It started on February 23rd and will end on February 27th, 2024.

Test cricket is played between two teams of different nations, where each team plays two innings over the course of five days. The main goal of the game is to score more than the opposite teams and win. Test matches in cricket are considered as the ultimate test to the players of the game, testing the players abilities, skills and determination level. Both batting and bowling are equally important for the team’s performance in the game of cricket as a whole since a good batting helps the team to lead further in the game and good bowling can put pressure on the opposite team and helps securing a win.

Test matches are crucial for testing the players in the long run since the players are required to perform for a longer duration and under pressure in various different conditions. To enhance the performances of players as a team, cricket test matches are necessary.

Test cricket as the longest and mentally demanding format

Test cricket matches are highly demanding, both physically as well as mentally. These matches creates intense moments and situations of pressure that could be mentally challenging for the players, both batsman and for bowlers. They face so many hardships during test matches which brings up the importance of sports psychologists in the picture.

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Here are some of the difficulties faced by cricketers during test matches:
1. Difficulty in transitioning from domestic to international cricket standards

Cricketers first have to play and prove themselves in their domestic level matches i.e. cricket tournaments or competitions. Once they get selected, the players play on national and then international level as cricket is like an upgrading game, from tournaments to international standards. As the playing standards for the cricket players increases, there is increased pressure on them for better performances and to represent their countries on international level. Domestic players face difficulties in playing against the experienced ones in newer environment.

2. Test matches are held for longer durations

T-20 games lasts for 4 hours while test matches are played for longer time period that is 5 days since there are no restrictions for batsman, they can bat for as many overs as they want. However, the bowling is restricted for the day. This non stop hours of cricket could be challenging for the cricketers( batsman and bowlers) both physically as well as mentally. Along with that, they have to play in adverse weather conditions, be it under scorching heat of summers or cool breezes of winter.

3. Changing nature of pitch as the cricket match proceeds and the unpredictability of ball’s movement

Test matches last for 5days and during that period of time, there is high certainty for cricket pitch to deteriorate or get changed in conditions from day1 till the last day of test match. The cricket pitch on day1 is easy for players to play on as compared to the pitch on day5, especially for the batters as they have to move to make runs. Also, there are different types of balls in cricket: white, red and pink. The red and pink balls swing more and for longer durations unlike the white one, so it gets quite difficult for batsman to predict the ball movements during test matches.

Importance of psychological aspect in players performance

Along with physical factors like pitch conditions, weather, balling movements and physical health of the players, psychological factors are equally important for the cricket players to excel on fields as It affects the player’s ability to think and organise and also helps to achieve mental state required for winning the game. Some of the psychological factors includes self confidence, concentration, self modelling, motivation level, ego strengthening and emotional control. Sports psychology is the psychology which deals with psychological factors that influences the sportsperson’s performances in a game.

Sports psychologists helps in building various psychological qualities among the players like:
  • Self confidence: self confidence refers to ones belief on their own selves and their abilities. Self confidence is achieved when the players are able to accomplish their goals. With each winnings their confidence level seems to increase and their performance gets better.
  • Commitment: commitment comes with ones dedication and determination towards winning the game by setting goals and working upon it consistently.
  • Control: sports psychologists helps the players to control their varied emotions while playing in the field in front of whole crowd under pressure. Playing on huge level could be challenging and emotionally taxing so by learning to manage and control ones emotions, they’ll be able to focus more on game.

Concentration and patience: The two qualities helping batsman and bowlers to maintain focus for prolonged period

It’s refers to the persistent focus that is maintained while playing the game of cricket by avoiding unnecessary distractions. Concentration helps the cricketers reach their designated goal. It is the most important element of success for cricketers. We’ve often heard coach saying ‘concentrate well’ or ‘focus focus’ to the team players when the members are struggling or missing the wickets. We also hear the anchor making comments saying that due to lapse in concentration, the batsman lost the wicket. Concentration in simple terms, means remaining in the present and maintaining focus.

Concentration for batsman starts the moment bowlers come running towards them till the time the bat actually hit the ball. Similarly, for bowlers and fielders, concentration is important while running to throw the ball aiming the point and catching it before it hits the boundary line respectively. Best way to improve concentration is by keep switching on and off in between the deliveries to give mind the break to wander off for a few seconds before getting back to duty.

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Patience is another important quality that helps the team build resilience and play by being calm and composed. It’s a leader’s quality to direct each member about their roles and explain different strategies to be able to win.

Memorable matches in cricket’s history showcasing the importance of resilience and determination

  • The first ever tied match in history was between Australia and west indies, where both the teams scores exact same score after five days of test match. This match held at Gabba in Brisbane in the year 1960-61 and is known as one of the greatest match ever played. The match consist of intense competition and numerous thrilling moments and showcased the true determination and resilience of both the team members.
  • Another example of greatest test match is epic ashes comeback that took place between Australia vs England in 1981. The match is known for it’s greatest comeback in the entire history of cricket test matches where England won over Australia through their aggressive batting, fast bowling and determined, realistic approach.

Handling failures and bouncing back

Success and failure are a part of life, be it cricket test match, exams or any business, but what’s important is how one deals with the failure and bounce back next time even more stronger. It’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them but it’s not really okay to give up after each set back. There are several examples from the history of cricket where the team failed miserably and bounced back double the next time.

Mental toughness is a quality that needs to be polished on by the players. Mental toughness is highly variable among each player and could carry different meaning. Some players are Highly committed but lack confidence and others quite the opposite. To become mentally tough, players first needs to understand their coach and then apply that understanding in the trainings. It’s essential to mentally prepare the mind before test matches, for every consequences, be it success or failure.

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Few tips on how to handle failure by being mentally tough

Don’t aim for perfection as perfection kills the ability to learn and develop skills. Be open for being able to make mistakes and try out new strategies for batting or bowling. Mental toughness can be increased through visualizations, positive affirmations, goal setting and repetitive drills before the match, as said by one of the coach. Brainstorm ideas and try them out practically to see what skill or strategies works the best while playing cricket. By learning about different player’s personality, coaches can provide necessary trainings for mental toughness and build resilience.

Evolving role of mental conditioning in modern cricket

Mental conditioning means training the mind to be able to change the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes and replace them into more positive ones. Yuvraj Singh puts light on the importance of mental conditioning to develop resilience and manage stress levels as cricket is a taxing sport game and sometimes mentally demanding too. Team players often have their off field issues that needs to be sorted since there are chances that off field issues could hinder the on field performances. Yuvraj Singh talked about the need for an Indian psychologist who could be able to build trust with the team members and discuss off field problems. This way the players would function well and overcome failure.




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