Embracing Your New Normal: Coping with Physical Changes After Cancer

Embracing Your New Normal: Coping with Physical Changes After Cancer


Even though the world is significantly making progress each day in almost every domain, especially medicine and technology, cancer remains one of the most extensive health problems and a common disease that may cause death.

Fighting against such a disease requires utter resilience and bravery. Even when a person finally fights it off, the journey of recovering from cancer can have both physical and emotional challenges that may be difficult to deal with. That’s why it’s necessary to understand the aftermath of post-cancer survival and take advisory steps to cope with your overall well-being.  Let’s explore embracing your new normal and coping with physical changes.

Understanding the Physical Impact of Cancer Treatments

Cancer treatments require extensive procedures that can leave lasting changes, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Changes may vary depending on the type of cancer you battle, how intense the treatment is, and your overall health. Common physical changes treatments can cause are:

  • Skin changes (texture or colour)
  • Scarring (due to surgery)
  • Hair loss or thinning
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Muscle loss
  • Fatigue

These physical changes can also be associated with one’s mental health and affect their self-esteem. Individuals may find feeling confident difficult and struggle with accepting themselves as the same person that they were before the treatment.

Coping with Physical Changes

Adjusting to these changes may not come abruptly or naturally. Instead, it will be a process where sometimes the road to self-acceptance will be easy, and sometimes, the complete opposite. Here are some tips to help you cope:

1. Skincare and Managing Scars

Issues with skin and scarring, hair, and loss of strength can be recovered. You can use scar treatment creams (after talking to your dermatologist or skin specialist) to reduce the appearance of surgical scars. Moisturizing daily can also help improve skin texture and elasticity. 

2. Dealing with Hair Loss

    Dealing with hair loss can be time-consuming, and results may not show fast, even after performing hair care. Nevertheless, there are multiple alternatives, and one should not stop trying. After chemo, you can consider wigs, scarves, or hats to feel more comfortable and still embrace stylish solutions while waiting for your hair to grow. Other options can be having a brief conversation with your healthcare provider about hair transplants if the result from your chemo has caused significant and permanent hair loss.

    3. Exercising and Regaining Strength

      Cancer treatments can weaken your muscles and reduce your energy levels. You may also feel exhausted often. Light exercises like yoga or walking can help you regain muscle strength and help your body adjust to a new routine. Stamina builds gradually, so it’s advisable to focus on slow, steady progress and not overexert yourself.

      5. Clothing and Appearance Adjustments

        Dressing according to your body type can make you feel comfortable and confident. Look for clothes that accommodate new body changes, such as weight fluctuations and scarring. You can wear comfortable or loose clothing that allows freedom of movement, or you may experiment with layering to cover scars if that helps you feel confident. However, it’s essential to remember that surviving cancer is already a massive achievement and should not deter your self-esteem, so embrace who you are and not keep yourself hidden.

        Rebuilding Confidence After Cancer

        Confidence doesn’t come all at once. It’s the small steps, personal victories, and, most importantly, self-acceptance that bring it in. Cancer may have changed your body, but it can never define your worth. Accepting who you are and embracing your courage to fight a fatal disease is more than enough to describe that you’re no ordinary person. You must love and appreciate your body for all it has endured and overcome.

        • Start by setting small daily goals: They can be as simple as trying a new outfit or getting in the spirit to go out with friends. Celebrate each step, no matter how small. It only means that you’re moving forward.
        • Talk to your loved ones: You must acknowledge that communication is vital. Especially discussing your feelings with those who are close to you. They can provide much-needed emotional support and make you feel heard and understood.
        • Use positive affirmations to shift your mindset. Your body also listens to your mind, so make sure it says good. A positive outlook on life can make a huge difference in what you feel and do. Focus on what your body can do and not just how it looks. Celebrate your strength and resilience.
        • Reconstructive surgeries: Some cancer survivors consider reconstructive surgeries to address physical changes. It’s their way of bringing their confidence in. Some go for breast reduction or skin graft. At the same time, a small percentage of men also explore cosmetic procedures like permanent penis enlargement if they feel cancer has impacted their self-image, and doing so can help restore the sense of normalcy.

        Life after cancer is about more than just survival. Make sure you acknowledge that your loved ones are proud of you for enduring all the pain, and embrace your new self with contentment. The physical changes are part of your story but don’t define your worth.


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