Eating well, especially a diet high in fruits and vegetables, improves our health mainly because it lowers our risk of developing several eating-related illnesses. Healthy diets are probably going to contribute to happiness as well because happiness is correlated with good health. Both the relationships between certain micronutrients and psychological health as well as the association between obesity and mental health have drawn significant attention in recent years. It is important to understand how much our eating habits impact our level of happiness.
The majority of people care about their happiness and seek out strategies to make it higher, which is one explanation. While there are many factors outside of our control that affect happiness, we have considerable control over what we eat. In this particular situation, we are interested in finding out if eating healthily and leading a happy life are compatible.
Also Read: Decoding the Food-Psychology: How Our Diet Shapes Our Emotions
What Can Be Considered a Healthy Diet?
A nutritious diet assists in preventing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer, as well as malnutrition in all of its forms.
For grownups, a nutritious diet consists of things like fruits and vegetables, whole grains (such as unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat, and brown rice), nuts, and legumes (such as beans and lentils). A minimum of 400 g, or five servings, of fruits and vegetables per day, starchy roots such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, and others are not included. For newborns and early children, an optimal diet during a child’s first two years of life promotes healthy growth and enhances cognitive development. Additionally, it lowers the chance of gaining weight or becoming a higher-weight person and eventually getting NCDs.
The guidelines for a nutritious diet for babies and kids are the same as those for adults, but they should also include things such as a baby should only be nursed for the first six months of its life and breastfeeding should be continued for infants until they are two years old and older. Breast milk should be supplemented with a range of sufficient, secure, and nutrient-dense foods starting at six months of age. Complementary foods shouldn’t have sugar or salt added to them.
Foods That Boost Mental Health
Following are some foods that can contribute to the mental health of an individual if consumed in appropriate portions and ways:

1) Bananas:
Indeed, bananas are really beneficial to mental wellness. Eating bananas has the potential to improve your mood. This is due to how tryptophan, an amino acid that aids in the synthesis of serotonin, is impacted by bananas. Moreover, tryptophan improves sleep quality and controls food intake. Bananas high in potassium are also a healthy source of fiber and vitamin B-6.
2) Lentils:
Lentils should be an essential part of your diet if you desire good mental health. Due to its low glycemic index, lentils aid with blood sugar regulation. This improves mood and helps sustain levels of energy throughout the day.
Also Read: Study: Diet in Early Life Can Influence Child Mental Health and Personality
3) Sweet Potatoes:
Due of the antioxidant properties of beta-carotene, sweet potatoes are very popular. Sweet potatoes are beneficial for mental health since they can lessen brain cell damage. Antioxidant beta-carotene lowers oxidative stress on DNA, which lowers the risk of conditions including depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.
4) Oranges:
Oranges high in vitamin C are excellent for improving brain function. One important vitamin that aids in delaying mental aging is vitamin C. Consuming meals high in vitamin C on a regular basis can also help prevent Alzheimer’s. Other high-vitamin C foods include bell peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, and kiwis.
5) Salmon:
Salmon high in omega-3 fatty acids is excellent for mental wellness. Anti-inflammatory good fats found in salmon are crucial for the cell membrane of the brain.
6) Turmeric:
Due to curcumin, turmeric is a miracle spice that has become very famous. Turmeric contains a substance called curcumin, which has been shown to enhance memory, lessen depression, and promote the development of cells in the brain.
Also Read: Can A Proper Diet Be Followed During Depression?
7) Nuts:
Nuts benefit the heart in more ways than one. Also, they are excellent for brain health. Nuts like walnuts, pistachios, and almonds are rich in essential plant components, healthy fats, and vitamin E that contribute to mental well-being.

8) Amla/ Indian Gooseberry:
Amla promotes healthy blood flow, which enhances the health of the nerves. Consuming amla on a regular basis enhances cognitive performance by improving memory and focus. Additionally, it guards against free radical damage to nerve cells, avoiding disorders associated with the brain like dementia as well as Alzheimer’s. Because amla contains a significant amount of iron, it helps transport oxygen, which prevents brain damage.
A healthy diet is an essential foundation for mental well-being. Your diet has an impact on your mental and physical health. Individuals who consume large amounts of junk food and comfort foods typically have worse mental health than those who eat a balanced, healthful diet.
- • Khalsa, S. D. (2003). Food as medicine: how to use diets, vitamins, juices, and herbs for a healthier, happier and better life. Atriabooks. New York, 10020.
- • Veenhoven, R. Will Healthy Eating Make You Happier? A Research Synthesis Using an Online Findings Archive. Applied Research Quality Life 16, 221–240 (2021).
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