Covishield vaccine can be a cause of brain and heart stroke, makers admitted

Covishield vaccine can be a cause of brain and heart stroke, makers admitted

Covishield vaccine

Vaccines came up as a savior for people across the world. But was Covishield a shield for you? The British pharma giant, the developer of Covishield AstraZeneca, finally admits rare cases of strokes and blood clots as side effects of the vaccine.

With ongoing trials against 51 cases that can have damages up to 100 million pounds, the side effect of Covishield is getting attention. The onset of the vaccine campaign in 2021, VITT (Vaccine-induced immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis) is observed. Though there is no generic, mechanism-based evidence, the connection between Covishield and blood clots cannot be denied and not even by its makers now.

Brain strokes

The very first complainant, Jamie Scott suffered a severe brain injury due to blood clots, with a near situation to death strike. TTS’s (Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome) most common prey is the brain, brain injuries due to blood clots can cause lifelong impairment too. Along with this, low blood platelet count can also be seen as an adverse effect.

How will it impact people?

Covid was a period of uncertainty and turmoil for everyone. With the arrival of the vaccine, people got a hope to deal with the fear of covid virus. Some people refuse to be treated as guinea pigs for the vaccine’s credibility, while others accept the vaccine as the only way out of the pandemic, but controversies surround both views. Gradually people submitted to it, taking a leap of faith. It is your right to know what changes this vaccination brought in your lives.

Psychiatric effects report:

A 2022 study showed structured reported psychiatric adverse effects to signify cases of disorientation, hallucination, seizures, frequent mood swings, sleep difficulty, irritability, anxiety, psychosis cognitive impairment, altered psychomotor activities, low appetite, and other functional neurological disorders causing paralysis.

The psychological effect of vaccine’s side effects

The major focus is being limited to physical alterations caused by the vaccine. But it is equally significant to see its psychological impact as well.

Increased Anxiety:

Witnessing the side effects of the vaccine that you took as a cure for the deadly COVID-19 virus, feelings of anxiety may inhibit within you. This is especially true for people who are facing its effects, be it minor symptoms of blood pressure dysregulation or severe brain stroke; it all contributes to health anxiety.

Fluctuating emotions:

One of the common mental effects of vaccines is seen as mood swings or even mood dysregulation disorders in severe cases. Irritability being a major symptom, you can focus on your mood channels by observing them and seeking therapeutic professional support if required.

Fear of vaccines:

Seeing cases of severe adverse effects can develop a sense of fear against vaccines. It is important to consider here that such cases are rare in number, and the vaccine, be it any, contributed to regulating the outbreak of Covid pandemic across the world. You have seen the success of the Polio vaccine which helped in the eradication of poliovirus from several countries worldwide. So, let’s not focus on vaccines being the villain even if one appears to be damaging, the concept of vaccination is not just limited to the virus. Vaccines have helped your body fight numerous viruses that you don’t even know about consciously.

Learning to deal with it:

The best thing Covid taught people is to survive in the sea of uncertainties, and so does its vaccination. With everyone laying their eyes on medical research for the cure for COVID-19, the vaccine came up as a ray of hope. Trusting the vaccination campaign was the only solution that you had, which came up successfully in the pandemic outbreak along with a few adversities.

References +
  • Shah MM, Kumar T, Prajapati A, Nafe Z. Reverse Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Following COVISHIELD Vaccination: A Rare Case of an Anaphylactic Reaction. Cureus. 2023 Aug 10;15(8):e43257. doi: 10.7759/cureus.43257. PMID: 37692635; PMCID: PMC10491998.


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