Country’s First Suicide Prevention Policy Will Be Implemented In Madhya Pradesh
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Country’s First Suicide Prevention Policy Will Be Implemented In Madhya Pradesh

Key Facts About Madhya Pradesh First Suicide Prevention Policy and Other Things and Facts That Were Stated During the Press Meet.

  • This policy is formulated and looked after by the health and education department.
  • The news was given by the state health and education minister Vishwash Kailash Sarang.
  • In order to decrease the number of death cases by suicide, some suggestions were given by Psychiatrist Dr. Satyakant Trivedi.
  • A committee is being formed whose members are psychiatrists, legal experts, and sociologists.
  • The policy will come into practice in just 2-3 months
  • The policy will focus on all the causes of suicide whether it is economic or social or psychological.
  • According to the National Crime Records, the number of death cases in the year 2020 has increased tremendously in comparison to the year 2019.
  • According to the NCRB report, the number of death cases in the whole country in the year 2020 was 1,53,052.
  • Now the death rate has increased from 10.4 in the year 2019 to 11.3 in the year 2020.
  • According to the reports, each day in the year 2020 almost 413 people died because of suicide.
  • And in M.P itself 14,578 people died because of suicide in the year 2020.
  • The ps health minister said according to research that there are 200 people who think about Suicide and there are 15 people who have tried to attempt suicide.
  • Suicide is the reason for death in which a person’s life can be saved 100%.

Meaning of Suicide:

Suicide can be defined as the act of killing oneself. Any type of psychological disorder increases the risk of suicidal behavior, and 90-95% of people who die by suicide are found to have been suffering from any one Mental disorder. And depression is the disorder that is most commonly found in people who attempt suicide. Suicide is currently the 15th leading cause of death in the world. 

Facts about Suicide:

  • It is prevalent in countries where there is a scarcity of resources.
  • Suicide is becoming a major concern that is causing hindrance to societal growth and development.
  • There are gender differences in suicide cases.
  • Interpersonal problems and behavioral problems are prominent causes of suicide.
  • Suicidal attempts happen mostly at times when people are all alone and are in a state of mental distress and find themselves incapable of solving their problems.
  • Studies have found that the loss of a loved one due to suicide is one of the greatest tragedies they can suffer from.
  • Suicide is not common in children but the prevalence of it starts to increase from the age of 12 and continues to increase into the early 20s to the mid-20s.

Consensus warning signs for suicide:

  • Hopelessness
  • Rage, anger, and seeking revenge
  • Engaging in risk-taking activities without thinking once
  • Feeling that one is trapped and there’s no escape from the problem
  • Increase consumption of alcohol or drugs
  • Withdrawing oneself from friends, family, and society
  • Anxiety
  • Unable to sleep(insomnia)
  • Hypersomnia
  • Mood swings
  • No interest and purpose in living


Prevention techniques for suicide:

  • Treating the suicidal person if they are suffering from any mental disorder.
  • Help the person cope with the crisis going on in his/her life.
  • Providing medical facilities.
  • Identifying the suffering person and providing help immediately.
  • Creating a positive environment around.


In conclusion, we can state that the number of suicide cases in different parts of the world is increasing at a tremendous rate which is not only affecting the family members of the person who took his/her life but is also becoming a hindrance in the growth of the country due to the loss of the assets. There are various reasons that can lead to suicidal thoughts however help should be provided to the person who suffers from any symptoms of suicide. There are various helpline numbers introduced by the government and there are various NGOs that also provide help to cope with suicidal thoughts free of cos


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