Causes and Treatment Plan for Uterine Fibroids

Causes and Treatment Plan for Uterine Fibroids


Calcified fibroids are benign tumours that grow in the uterus. It is less dangerous than cancer, but it is made up of muscle tissue and causes pain often. 

In most cases, calcified fibroids can lead to heavy bleeding during periods and extreme pelvic pain during sex. Some women also experience trouble getting pregnant. It all depends on whether one needs treatment or not.

But before you know about the symptoms, here is a guide that will help you learn about the causes and what treatment plan you can look for for calcified fibroids.

Causes of Uterine Fibroid Growth

There is still research going on how and why you get fibroids. However, several factors contribute to the cause. 

  • Genetics: Genetics can differentiate between fibroids and normal cells in the uterus and have a cause.
  • Extracellular Matrix: ECM can make the cells stick together, and fibroids have more of these. This can impact the cell growth factor and cause cells to change their pattern.
  • Other Growth Factors: There are many substances in a woman’s body that can impact the growth of fibroids, such as insulin-like growth factors. This plays a major role in fibroid growth.
  • Obesity and Age: Between the ages of 30 to 50, calcified fibroids are more common in women. Other than the age factor, body weight also increases the risk of developing calcified fibroids.
  • Hormone Imbalance: Estrogen and progesterone are the main hormones that make the lining of your uterus thicken every month during the menstrual process. They can be the reason for fibroid growth in your uterus. But when the natural process of hormone production slows down, the fibroids start to shrink.

A Treatment Plan That You Can Consider

The treatment plan to get  Calcified Uterine Fibroid Removal varies on the size, number, and location of the fibroids. The severity of symptoms can also impact the treatment plan for women. 

To help you get an understanding, here are the most common and possible treatment plans recommended by health experts:

  1. Watchful Waiting: If the fibroids are small and cause no severe symptoms, the doctor will recommend you monitor them over time. You can shrink their size and impact by working on healthy lifestyle changes. This will improve your health and reduce the effect naturally without leading to any surgical process.
  2. Medication: Hormonal medications such as birth control pills can help in shrinking fibroids in your body. The hormonal imbalance is one of the leading causes of why the uterus develops fibroids; taking medications will alleviate symptoms for you.
  3. Surgery: Fibroids can grow and cause more pain, bleeding, and extreme discomfort during sex. This can lead to critical health conditions for many women. Some women also find difficulty in getting pregnant. To treat these causes, there are some surgical options, such as myomectomy, hysterectomy, and uterine fibroid embolization. 

This will help reduce the size of fibroids and lower the impact. Other than this, there are some non-invasive methods, such as high-intensity sound waves and specific exercises to break down the fibroids in your uterus.

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