Relationship Self Help

Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Crush? Here’s How to Let Go

The smile automatically appears when the word “crush” is mentioned. Navigating the emotions that come with having a crush can be challenging, especially when it comes to moving on. Whether it’s a more intense attraction or the process of overcoming a crush, it involves thoughtful and deliberate steps. This article explains practical strategies to help you get over a crush. Although it may be difficult, it is possible to do it on your own by exploring various techniques and using simple examples to illustrate the points.

The Rollercoaster of Emotions on Crush

Crushes provoke a wide range of emotions, from euphoria to disappointment. They can bring excitement and anxiety, creating an emotional rollercoaster that makes it hard to see things. This can sometimes lead to prolonged headaches and heartaches. You might feel your heart racing when you’re around your crush. To effectively move on, it’s important to understand and manage the impact of these emotions.

The Nature of Crushes

Crushes often involve idealization and imagination, where we focus on the best aspects of the person and ignore their negatives. This idealization creates a strong emotional attachment, making it challenging to move on. Our fantasies and expectations can seem to check off everything on our dream list. Recognizing that this idealization is a common part of having a crush can help you understand why it feels so difficult to let go.

Strategies to move on from a crush

Here are some comprehensive strategies and techniques to help you move on from a crush:

1. Acknowledge and Accept Your Emotions

The first difficult step in getting over a crush is understanding your emotions and triggers related to that person. Accepting your feelings of sadness, disappointment, or confusion is crucial for moving forward and letting go. This acceptance is part of the healing process. For example, if you’re overwhelmed by emotions, expressing them through journaling or talking to a friend can help. Acknowledging and processing your feelings is the first step toward emotional healing.

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2. Create Healthy Boundaries

Maintaining contact with your crush can hinder emotional healing. To move on, it may be helpful to set boundaries and limit communication, especially if interacting with them causes you pain. For example, if you frequently check their social media updates, consider temporarily unfollowing or muting their accounts. These small changes can reduce reminders and help you move on more easily.

3. Shift Focus to Self – Enhancement

Instead of focusing on your crush, shift your energy towards self-improvement and activities that bring you joy and satisfaction. This shift not only distracts you but also promotes personal growth. For example, taking up new skills or hobbies like painting, learning an instrument, joining a fitness class, or seeking counselling can provide a sense of accomplishment and help you channel your energy into something positive.

4. Reflect on the Nature of your Attraction

Understanding the reasons behind your attraction can provide valuable insights. Reflect on what draws you to your crush and consider how their qualities align with your values and long-term goals. For example, if you were attracted to their sense of humour or kindness, think about how you might find similar qualities in other people in your life. This reflection can help you gain a broader perspective and adjust your expectations.

5. Set and Pursue New Goals

Setting new goals can help shift your focus from your crush to your personal growth and achievements. These goals, whether related to your career, education, or personal interests, provide a sense of purpose and meaning. For example, you might set a clear goal to advance your career by taking on new projects or responsibilities. Alternatively, you could aim to complete a personal project like writing a book or achieving a sports goal. These pursuits can offer motivation, distraction, and a sense of accomplishment.

6. Seeking Support from Others

During difficult times, seeking support from others can be invaluable. Talk to friends, family, or a mental health professional who can offer emotional support and practical advice. Sharing your feelings with someone who listens without judgment can help you process your emotions more effectively. For example, reaching out to a trusted friend for support or consulting a counsellor or therapist for professional guidance can provide the help you need to navigate your emotions.

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7. Practicing Self-care and prioritizing it

Self-care is crucial for emotional healing and well-being. Engage in activities that promote your physical, mental, and emotional health. Taking care of yourself can improve your mood and overall outlook. For example, maintain regular exercise, ensure you get adequate rest and sleep, and participate in activities that make you feel comfortable and relaxed. These practices contribute significantly to your overall emotional health.

8. Challenging Unrealistic Expectations

Unrealistic expectations or fantasies can prolong feelings of disappointment and loss. It’s important to challenge these expectations by examining the reality of the situation and recognizing that idealization may have distorted your view. For example, if you’ve envisioned a perfect future with your crush, such as marriage and children, consider the practical aspects of the relationship. This can help you adjust your perspective and align your expectations with reality.

9. Embrace New Learning Experiences

Introducing new experiences into your life can help you create new memories and gain fresh perspectives. Engaging in activities, meeting new people, and exploring new places can shift your focus away from your crush and provide a sense of fulfilment. For example, attending social events, trying new hobbies, or travelling can offer valuable distractions and enrich your life.

10. Allow yourself to heal

Give yourself time to heal from your crush. This process can be tough and requires patience and understanding. It’s normal to take time to recover emotionally. Be patient with yourself and allow the necessary time for healing. For example, if you find yourself still thinking about your crush after a while, remind yourself that healing is an ongoing process. Focus on your career and personal growth, and give yourself the grace to process your feelings at your own pace without rushing.

Tips for long-term emotional health and well-being

Maintain your long-term emotional health by adopting practices that support your overall well-being and resilience. These practices can help you manage future crushes or relationships with greater ease.

1. Building and Strengthening Self-Esteem

A strong sense of self-esteem and self-efficacy can help you avoid seeking validation from others. Focus on building your self-esteem by recognizing your strengths and weaknesses. For example, keep a gratitude journal where you record your accomplishments, positive feedback, and personal qualities. This practice can enhance your self-worth and boost your self-confidence.

2. Cultivate and Maintain Healthy Relationships

Building and nurturing healthy relationships with friends and family is crucial for emotional support. These connections provide a sense of accomplishment and belonging that enrich your life. For example, spend time strengthening existing relationships and seek out new friendships. Engage in activities that foster connections and offer mutual support.

3. Practice Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation

Practising mindfulness techniques in your daily life can help you manage stress and improve focus. Mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing, and relaxation techniques enhance emotional well-being. For example, set aside a few minutes each day for relaxation exercises and guided meditation. Staying focused on breathing and practising Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) can help you stay present and manage thoughts about your crush.

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Final Thoughts

Getting over a crush involves a multi-dimensional approach, including understanding your emotions, setting boundaries, self-enhancement, and seeking support. By applying these strategies, you can manage your emotions and move forward positively. Remember, healing takes time, so be patient with yourself. Stay motivated and seek opportunities for personal growth and exploration. While moving on from a crush can be challenging, these strategies will help you manage your emotional well-being, strengthen yourself, and find new sources of joy and fulfilment. Focus on self-care, seek support, and prioritize personal growth to facilitate your journey toward emotional recovery.


1. How long does it typically take to get over a crush?

The time it takes to get over a crush varies for each person and depends on factors like the intensity of your feelings, the nature of your interactions, and your coping mechanisms. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. The key is to be patient with yourself and recognize that healing is a gradual process.

2. Should I cut off all contact with my crush?

Limiting or cutting off contact with your crush can be beneficial if it causes emotional pain or hinders your ability to move on. Reducing contact helps you focus on healing and minimizes reminders of your crush. However, the extent of this break should be tailored to your comfort level and the specific situation.

3. What if I still have mutual friends with my crush?

If you have mutual friends with your crush, communicate your feelings and boundaries clearly. Let your friends know if you need space and manage interactions to support your emotional well-being. While balancing these relationships can be challenging, maintaining open communication with your friends can help.

References +
  • Healthline. (2022). How to get over a crush in 10 simple steps. Healthline.
  • Psychology Today. (2021). The science of crushes: Why we fall for people and how to get over it. Psychology Today.
  • Very well Mind. (2023). How to deal with a crush when it doesn’t work out. Verywell Mind.

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