Camp Set Up For Mental And Physical Checkups Of Prisoners In Central Jail: Hoshiarpur (Punjab)
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Camp Set Up For Mental And Physical Checkups Of Prisoners In Central Jail: Hoshiarpur (Punjab)

Criminal Psychology focuses on criminals and suspects, their perspectives, motives, thoughts, emotions, activities, and responses. Correctional psychology is a sub-field of applied psychology similar to criminal psychology, where principles of psychology, counseling, and therapy are applied to the Justice system in classifying, treating, and managing the offenders properly. Psychologists working closely with the inmates in the prison apply this principle and help them lead a better life. They incorporate the Good Lives model, help in their rehabilitation, and postulate intervention programs suitable for them to adapt to the environment outside prison. They make the inmates look forward to life beyond their crimes, ready them to step into the real world and lead their normal lives.


Beyond punishment, prisons act as an institution and an opportunity for offenders to reform.

The prisoners’ life inside the prison is all kinds of tough. They stay away from their families, some might not have any, they crave emotional connections, genuine interpersonal relationships, marriages, or intimacy, their sexual needs are not satisfied, they might not be spiritually, religiously, or politically driven, and they lack jobs or any means of making an identity for them, and they may not be part of any social activities or communities. Beyond punishment, prisons act as an institution and an opportunity for offenders to reform. But many prisoners don’t feel safe enough to think beyond their survival as there were numerous cases of molestation, abuse, brutality, murder, and suicide inside prison. The rooms are confined and poorly maintained. They are also not provided with basic facilities such as nutritious food, clothes to tackle the cruel weather, hygienic rooms, or restrooms.


Unsanitary and confined living conditions make the prisoners susceptible to physical and psychological disorders

The mental health of the inmates is impacted when they are kept in isolation for long periods. There’s no human contact or any mental stimulation. They tend to become irritable, angry, or aggressive. They also become frustrated and anxious to get out. Sometimes, they tend to become quiet and numb. Eventually, they become susceptible to psychiatric disorders. There are chances of schizophrenia, dependence disorders, attachment disorders, and affective disorders. Then some mentally-ill offenders lack judgment, inhibitions, or trust, and are impulsive, suspicious, or paranoid. They might also be psychotic, and experience hallucinations or delusions, which might have led to the crime in the first place.


Prison psychologists in collaboration with government officials plan activities that would benefit the inmates.

Central Jail situated in Hosiarpur conducted a medical camp on Wednesday. It was organized by Amarjot Bhatti, who is a District and Sessions Judge and Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, and Aparajita Joshi, CJM and Secretary of District Legal Services Authority. The medical professionals from the Civil Hospital examined the inmates for fever, cough, cold, eye infections or eye diseases, skin infections, orthopedic problems, dental issues, and other diseases. Gynecologists were also present examining them for any signs of abuse, or contagious infections. Mental health practitioners interacted with them to know about their state of mind and if there are any unmanageable difficulties. They were also prescribed medications to manage their conditions. A seminar has also been conducted alongside the camp at Dadopur Garoa village. It covered information regarding free legal services and Lok Adalat. In continuing this trail of events, a National Lok Adalat will be held at Hosiarpur District Court on August 13.


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