Borderline Personality Disorder: How To Navigate the Emotional Roller Coaster

Borderline Personality Disorder: How To Navigate the Emotional Roller Coaster

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is defined as a mental health condition in which a person has long-term patterns of unstable or explosive emotions. This inner experience often results in impulsive acts, problems with self image and a chaotic relationship with other people.


At best, someone has sorted the history of BPD, or borderline personality disorder. The third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders, published in 1980, listed it as the first recognised diagnosable condition. Naturally, BPD has existed and affected individuals long before 1980.
Important Dates

  • 1980: BPD is included in DSM III.
  • 1993: Marsha Linehan introduces Dialectical Behavior Therapy as an effective treatment.
  • 1994: The authors publish DSM-IV, defining further the symptoms of BPD required for diagnosis.

In the current scenario, various research works are going on It.

How do people with Borderline Personality Disorder behave?

People with borderline personality disorder may experience intense mood swings and self-image problems. They can quickly change their feelings for others, moving from extreme closeness to extreme dislike. Instability in relationships and emotions may result from this change of feelings.

How to identify Borderline personality disorder?
  • People have a strong fear of being let go.
  • I don’t like being on my own.
  • There is a constant feeling of emptiness.
  • Frequent displays of inappropriate anger.
  • Impulsive and risky behaviour, for example, substance misuse, gambling, binge eating, or sexual relationships.
  • How do professionals identify borderline personality disorder?
  • They are trying their hardest to stop defection, whether it is real or imagined.
  • Volatile and persistent interactions with other people, drifting between idealizing and humiliating them.
  • A constantly changing sense of self or self-image.
Is there any cure for Borderline personality disorder?

Whoever enters treatment looking for a quick response and easy fix will be disappointed since Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) cannot be cured. However, with treatment, people can effectively manage, observe, and ultimately reduce the intensity of, or entirely remove, its symptoms.

Psychotherapy Treatment for BPD:

Psychotherapy (talk therapy) is one of the effective treatments for borderline personality disorder. The purpose of therapy is to assist you in identifying the motivation and fear underlying your thoughts and behaviour, thus helping you develop a more positive relationship with others.
The types of treatment which may be helpful for the treatment of BPD include:

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT):

This kind of therapy was created especially by the creators for BPD patients. DBT seeks to aid you in accepting the reality of your life and behaviour while also teaching you how to change your behaviour, especially destructive behaviour. It teaches you the ability to manage intense emotions, reduce undisciplined behaviour and improve relationships.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT):

This therapy is a structured, goal-oriented type. You can examine your ideas and feelings in detail with the assistance of your therapist or psychologist. You will gain a better understanding of how your thoughts affect the way you act. And, you can unlearn negative ideas and behaviours with cognitive behavioural therapy, learn to develop better thinking patterns and habits.

Group Therapy:

it is a kind of psychotherapeutic which allows people to discuss their problems and negotiate them with one another within the supervision of a therapist or psychologist. Group therapy can be helpful for the people with BPD to interact with others positively and express themselves effectively and easily.


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